Page 18 - RRP.GPTW.Document.Submission.2020
P. 18
Describe a project that you had Assess the candidate’s persuasiveness in
to sell to your superiors. How dealing with fellow workers. How did he or she
did you go about it? go about justifying the project? Did he or she
face initial resistance to the project? If so, how
did he or she overcome it? A good response will
show the candidate did solid research and
developed a quantifiable argument about why
the project should be undertaken.
Describe your worst Use this question to see how well the candidate
negotiating experience. has learned from previous mistakes. Ask him or
her why he or she thinks things went poorly in
the instance he or she describes, and how the
candidate has avoided getting into similar
negotiating situations since then. A good
response will show that the candidate learned
from his or her experience.
Oral/written What is your experience in Look for evidence that the candidate is
communication terms of presenting to large or comfortable and skilled at presenting
skills small groups? Can you describe arguments to others. Follow up by asking about
a time when you were his or her preparation before presentations and
particularly successful making the general response that those presentations
a speech or presentation? received. Ask what the candidate has learned
from past presentations and if there are any
aspects of presenting that he or she thinks need
improvement. A good candidate will always be
striving to improve his or her communication
What different approaches do This question gets at how observant and
you take in talking to different flexible the person is about communicating with
people? different types of people. Ask the candidate to
explain how he or she might approach people
differently depending on different people’s
What kinds of writing have you This question allows you to assess how
done? Can you give examples? important written communication has been in
the candidate’s previous jobs. Ask the applicant
for details about the amount of time he or she
spent writing as part of his or her daily tasks. If
necessary, ask for writing samples.
What are some of the most Use this question to discover the types of
difficult writing assignments writing the candidate has had difficulty with in
you have been given or have the past. A good response should detail how the
taken on yourself? candidate worked through difficult assignments
and what he or she learned from the experience.
Ask if the candidate was satisfied with the end