Page 21 - RRP.GPTW.Document.Submission.2020
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CASE Studies exercise
Instructions – for Manager
For professional roles, case studies provide industry relevant examples. At the conclusion
of the 2nd interview you may wish to provide the applicant with a case study exercise
designed to get a feel for the candidate’s style, approach, knowledge and skill levels (i.e.,
report writing, etc.). Once you have identified a preferred candidate for your vacant role
and have concluded the 2 interview; ask the candidate to complete a case study exercise
at home and return it to you via email. Give the candidate the background and ask them to
undertake one of the following tasks: complete a workplace assessment, write up a report
or develop a RTW plan. Ask the candidate to write up the report in whatever fashion they
believe is suitable and email it back to you within an agreed timeframe (2-5 days). Ask if
the candidate has any questions.
Instructions - for Candidates
• Please review the attached case study and (write up a report / develop a RTW plan)
based on your findings.
• Include your reasoning for the approach you have taken and recommendations you
have included
• Ensure the report / plan is no longer than 3 pages
• Return to the hiring Manager within the agreed timeframe via email
• Please contact us if you have any questions.
Case Study 1: Jose Bloggs
Mr Jose Bloggs, aged 58 years, has been employed permanently by Rio Formwork Co Pty
Ltd for the past 25 years. He normally works Monday to Saturday; a total of 38 hours per
week. Overtime is offered regularly and usually averages 6 hours per week. His normal
duties as a Carpenter involve driving and on-site work. The existence of underlying issues
that may have influenced the lodgement of this claim were discussed with the employer's
representative. They stated that they were unaware of any such issues and described Mr
Bloggs as a valuable employee who makes a positive contribution to the organisation.