Page 24 - RRP.GPTW.Document.Submission.2020
P. 24
he was walking he slipped, with his right leg going forward and his left leg bent underneath
him. He stated that he stood up and felt a moderate pain in his left knee. He stated that
he was warm at the time from working. However, when he had cooled down the injury
became more painful. He indicated that he experienced severe pain and swelling
immediately inside his (left) knee joint. In addition, he reported experiencing a reduced
range of motion with difficulty in straightening his knee following the incident. Mr Jones
indicated that he continued performing normal duties until the completion of his shift. He
reported the incident to his Supervisor immediately. Mr Jones indicated that he consulted a
doctor, Dr Nashed soon after. At this consultation, he was diagnosed with an injury to his
left knee and was prescribed anti-inflammatory (Voltaren), underwent an X ray and was
advised to rest. No return to work advice was given at the appointment as Mr Jones did
not tell his doctor that the injury happened at work.
Mr Jones reported that the incident was observed by a co-worker, Joe Bloggs, who provided
immediate assistance. Additional information obtained during the assessment revealed
that he does not have a history of a previous similar injury.
Actions: A tour of the workplace was unable to be completed due to the assessment was
conducted at the employer's home. The witness statement provided is consistent with the
history provided by the injured worker.
Injury Management (Treatment) Information
Mr Jones stated that his symptoms have remained static since the time of the incident. He
reported that he is currently experiencing sharp stabbing pain and swelling in left knee
joint. The treatment being received includes rest. Mr Jones stated that he continued
consulting Dr Noname and was later referred to a specialist, Dr Smith. He reported that Dr
Smith referred him to commence physiotherapy. Mr Jones began attending physiotherapy
approximately 2 weeks following the specialist appointment (exact date unknown),
attending 1 time a week. The treatment appears active in nature and reportedly consists
of exercises and traction to straighten the knee. Mr Jones ceased physiotherapy after
approximately 16 sessions as he felt that his pain was increasing. Mr Jones also advised
that Dr Smith referred him for an MRI and advised that he would require surgery. However,
Dr Smith was unavailable after this date and Mr Jones began seeing another specialist, Dr
Thursday. Dr Thursday advised that surgery would be necessary and this has been
scheduled for 27/11/2002. Following this, Mr Jones has been advised that it will be