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Mr Bloggs indicated that he is willing to participate in a return to work program. At the time
of the assessment he has been unable to return to work since the injury of 13/10/2003. A
review of available duties was unable to identify duties appropriate for returning to work
at this time, however, duties have been identified that will allow Mr Bloggs to return to
work at a time in the future when his physical capabilities improve sufficiently. These duties
will include delivery driving and working in the warehouse. The employer demonstrated a
willingness to assist Mr Bloggs in his return to work.
Case Study 2: Michael Jones
Background information
Mr Michael Jones, aged 28 years, has been employed permanently by Brick Rendering Pty
Ltd for the past 3 years. He normally works Monday to Friday from 7:00 am to 2:30 pm; a
total of 38 hours per week. Overtime is rarely performed by Mr Jones. His normal duties as
a Cement Renderer involve cement-rendering walls. The existence of underlying issues
that may have influenced the lodgement of this claim and/or may impede Mr Jones's return
to work were discussed with the employer's representative. They stated that they were
unaware of any such issues and described Mr Jones as a valuable employee who makes a
positive contribution to the organisation. Mr Jones expressed concerns regarding the
financial impact of the claim on his family, stating that he had 3 children under 5 to support
as his wife was no longer able to work due to a back injury 2 years ago. He stated that she
had initially received a lump sum payment, however, this had not been enough to support
their lifestyle.
Actions: Adequate time alone was spent with both Mr Jones and the employer's
representative to discuss more sensitive issues.
Mechanism of Injury
Mr Jones reported that he sustained an injury to his left knee at approximately 1:30 pm on
Wednesday 17/04/2002. The injury occurred whilst he was performing normal duties. Mr
Jones stated that he was working on a large job consisting of 17 town houses. He stated
that he was walking on the driveway, which was on a slope. He stated that there was
sand on the driveway, as the builders had not finished concreting. Mr Jones stated that as