Page 17 - RRP.GPTW.Document.Submission.2020
P. 17

Do you prefer stability and     Use this question to learn what the candidate is
                                continuity or frequent change in  used to in terms of a daily routine, and to find
                                your daily work environment?    out if he or she likes to have projects clearly laid
                                                                out or likes to be challenged to define projects
                                                                himself or herself. Follow up by asking what the
                                                                candidate would do if given incomplete
                                                                instructions for a project.

                                How do you determine            Assess the candidate’s ability to multitask and
                                priorities in scheduling your   handle a heavy workload. Good responses will
                                time? Can you give examples of  detail the method they use to figure out how to
                                times when you were assigned    prioritize tasks. You should press the candidate
                                a number of tasks and had to    on how comfortable he or she is working on
                                prioritize what needed to be    multiple assignments at once.
                                What type of balance do you     Use this question to see if your time
                                strive for between your work    expectations for the position match the
                                and your life?                  candidate’s. If you need an employee to work
                                                                extreme hours in the position you’re looking to
                                                                fill, you will want someone who is willing to
                                                                make some sacrifices for the job. If you question
                                                                the candidate’s commitment, ask for examples
                                                                of times he or she did more than required on the
                                                                job in the past. To learn more about a
                                                                candidate’s willingness to work hard, ask what
                                                                motivated him or her to do more than was
                                What skills would you like to   Use this question to gauge candidates’ ambition
                                learn or improve on in the next   and interests. Top-performing candidates will
                                year?                           have a general idea of what their short-term
                                                                goals are. These might include learning specific
                                                                technical skills or gaining exposure to a specific
                                                                aspect of your business. The candidate’s
                                                                response can give you an idea of his or her
                                                                possible long-term impact on your company,
                                                                and whether your company will hold his or her

             Negotiation        Describe your methods of        This question lets you know what the candidate
             skills             influencing people. Give three   views as his or her negotiating strengths, and
                                examples.                       whether he uses negotiating tactics that would
                                                                work in your company’s business environment.
                                                                Follow up by presenting a scenario that the
                                                                candidate might face in the position he or she is
                                                                applying for. Does his or her approach make
                                                                him or her a good fit with your company’s
                                                                culture and resources?
                                                                A good response will reveal some of the
                                Describe a negotiating          negotiating strengths and tactics that the
                                experience that you are         candidate uses. It will also show that the
                                particularly proud of.          candidate enjoys the negotiation process and is
                                                                excited by the challenges of negotiation.
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