P. 11
Need for written communication
How to Improve Written Communication Skills
The importance of effective written communication skills cannot be
stressed enough. Written communication plays a major role,
especially in the corporate world. Hence, it is doubly important to
have good written communication skills in the workplace. Business
writing or any other form of written communication can be very simple
for those who follow the guidelines that are given below.
What Is Effective Written Communication?
The purpose of written communication is to capture your reader’s
attention and get your point across clearly. Ultimately, when you
communicate in writing, you are helping the reader understand your
perspective on a topic. There are certain qualities all effective
written communication shares, and if you add these elements to your
writing, your work will be more powerful
Written communication is important for any business entity to
carry out the daily business activities.
It helps in maintaining records of business transactions.
Written communication like brochures and catalogs help
companies to showcase their products effectively.
Print advertisements help to market products
Successful written leaders are master’s communication, quiver in
oral or written form written business communication should be
professional clear and concise.
Important and for written communication in your business
1. Create a permanent record: all forms a written communication
become a permanent record of ideas, increments, proposal, and
other facts.
2. Defines the brand: written communication is part of your brand
in general must letter should have a professional tone as
proper as English and solid grammatical skills
3. Establishing royal: relationships, communication is about
building relationship by converting messages. Clear messages
help build and integrity between the writer a read
4. Offers ease of distribution: when you need to get information
distributed to many people