P. 6


                  This writing reflects all the knowledge seen, examined, and studied
                  throughout  these  3  years,  starting  with  the  characteristics  of  a
                  letter,  important  elements,  commercial  phrases  to  help  start,
                  connectors, end and address purposes. Demonstrating that well used
                  letters  can  properly  connect  a  company  and  another  for  a  long
                  business friendship, through these communicate issues that may vary
                  depending  on  the situation  in  which  the  company  is  both  with  its
                  employees and with its customers. In this thesis we will be able to
                  observe  not  only  different  writings,  but  also  their  parts  and
                  examples,  from  writings  as  small  as  11  words  to  letters  of  5
                  paragraphs, as well as the necessary documents so that the letter is
                  complete and with all the necessary data to give to the client or
                  company. The topics start with a brief introduction, important points
                  to  be  taken  into account,  outlines  for  a  good  arrangement  of  the
                  wording and finally an example given and an example of your servant,
                  if necessary a document format was added to complete the request and
                  how to fill it. Writing is an art, you capture more than words, it
                  is the art of knowing how to communicate something in time and form,
                  inform good or bad situations but properly and showing that even in
                  bad situations and bad news can be given with respect and calm. What
                  is  communicated  here  shows  how  important  it  is  to  make  something
                  known  in  an  assertive  manner,  including  spelling,  good  writing,
                  cleanliness and clarity, the thesis is finished, counting on effort,
                  dedication, and time. Letting this thesis be the culmination of a
                  Bilingual Executive Assistant in his bachelor’s degree. finally it
                  is  the  demonstration  of  hard  work  for  3  years  and  the  dedication
                  with which it was done.

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