P. 18

The memorandum

                  A  memorandum  is  a  note  or  a  record  for  future  use,  for  an
                  organization,  is  very  important  to  have  an  efficient  way  of
                  communication it is an intraoffice tool. It has a number of
                  purposes. In simple words, a memorandum is a written message
                  for  information  from  one  person  or  department  to  another  in
                  the same business, it is less formal than a letter. A memorandum
                  is often abbreviated as a memo. Effective memos clearly state
                  the objective in the first sentences.

                                               Purpose of memorandum

                  A person writes a memo with some purposes in mind. It is used:

                     1. To inform
                     2. To enquire
                     3. To give suggestions
                     4. To remind
                     5. To instruct
                     6. One can promote Good Will used a memo
                     7. To communicate the ideas

                                                 Advantages of memo

                  Using memos has a number of advantages memos are:

                        Memorandum is quick
                        It is a convenient mean of communication
                        It is inexpensive: Memos are used with an organization so
                         are can use cheap paper
                        It helps and maintaining written records

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