Page 5 - 18-19 Overbrook HS Student Handbook
P. 5

Commitment to Accomplishment

        The district’s program of accountability shall be systematic and specific, primarily utilizing the following major elements:

            ●  Clear statements of expectations and purposes (i.e. philosophy, goals, and objectives), coupled with
               specifications of how their successful achievement will be determined

            ●  Provisions for the staff, resources and support necessary to achieving purposes
            ●  Evaluation carefully designed to determining how well expectations and purposes are met
            ●  Revisions and modifications as needed to do better

        Every effort shall be made by the Board of Education, the Superintendent and staff to fulfill the responsibilities required by
        the concept of system accountability.

                                                    Code of Conduct

        All students and parents are required to read this handbook to familiarize themselves with rules governing student
        behaviors and penalties associated with violation of Board policy.  Our authority is not limited to actions or responses
        described in this book of conduct.  The power to educate includes the power to discipline.

        Actions taken by school officials in response to violations of conduct codes will be carried out in order to maintain student
        safety, order, and discipline.

                                                   Parent Notification

        School officials are not required by law to notify parents of any actions taken to intervene in student behaviors if and when
        they are following “standard operating procedures”.  Standard operating procedures are those responses and penalties
        that are outlined in policy, and which are used to maintain safety, order, and discipline in the school setting.

        School officials will make every attempt to notify parents/guardians in the event of an emergency. This attempt to notify
        may not ensure that parent/guardian contact will occur.  ​In order to ensure that a parent/guardian can be reached
        when necessary, we ask that you complete and return EMERGENCY CONTACT CARDS and that this information
        is updated when changes in residence, phone number and/or custodial care occur.

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