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Duchenne and Becker muscle dystrophies
Duchenne muscle dystrophy:
It is the commonest type of dystrophy, XLR disorder, due to a defect in a
protein called dystrophin of the skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle and the brain.
Clinical picture:
Sex : usually male
Age : usually 3-5 years
Main characteristic features :
Weakness : bilateral symmetrical , proximal > distal , with no sensory
Weakness of the shoulder girdle muscles: unable to raise arm above the head,
winging of scapula (weak serratus anterior).
Weakness of pelvic girdle muscles:
- Waddling lordotic gait (weak gluteus medius and minimus )
- Difficulty climbing up stairs
- + ve gower sign.
➢ pseudohypertrophy of the calf muscles ,Deltoid and forearm.
Preserved muscles: hand muscles, extraocular muscle, urethral and anal
sphincter, diaphragm.
➢ Associated features :
- Cardiomyopathy → constant feature
- Mental subnormality → frank MR in 25% of cases
- Frequent respiratory infections and UTI
The course is gradually progressive :
- Most patients unable to walk at 12 years
- Death usually occurs by the end of second decade caused by respiratory
failure, heart failure.