Page 51 - 2019-20 CAFR
P. 51

Rogue Community College

               Notes to Basic Financial Statements
               Year ended June 30, 2020

               1. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (continued)

                   Capital Assets (continued)

                   The   College meets all of the above criteria and has chosen not to capitalize and depreciate artwork
                   and historical treasures.
                   Deferred Outflows/Inflows of Resources
                   In addition to   assets, the Statement of Net Position includes a separate section for deferred outflows
                   of resources. This separate financial statement element represents a consumption of net position that

                   applies to future period(s) and will not be recognized as an outflow of resources (expense)   until then.

                   The College has three   items that qualify for reporting in this category: the pension obligation, other

                   post‐employment benefit obligation (OPEB), and deferred charge on   debt refunding. The pension
                   obligation results from changes in assumptions, differences between expected and actual experience,
                                 proportion, reported in the actuarial calculation of the College’s net pension liability.
                   and changes in
                   The College has two OPEB obligations; the first plan is a single employer plan, administered by the

                   College.  The    second  plan  is  a  multi‐employer  Retirement  Health  Insurance  Account  (RHIA)

                   administered    by  Oregon  Public  Employees  Retirement  System  (PERS).  The  deferred  outflows  of
                   resources  for  the  College  administered  OPEB  plan  relates  to  changes    in  assumptions  and  the
                   difference between expected and actual   experience.    The Deferred outflows of resources for the RHIA

                   OPEB obligation administered by PERS   is related to the changes in proportion. The deferred charge

                   on refunding   results from the difference in the carrying value of refunded debt and its reacquisition

                   price.   This amount is deferred and amortized over the shorter of the life of the refunded or refunding
                   In addition to   liabilities, the Statement of Net Position includes a separate section for deferred inflows

                   of resources. This separate   financial statement element represents an acquisition of net position that

                   applies to a   future period(s) and will not be recognized as an inflow or resources (revenue) until that
                   time. The College has two items that qualify for reporting in this   category: the employer deferred

                   pension obligation and   the deferred OPEB obligation. The deferred pension obligation results from

                   the   differences between projected and actual earnings on investments, the changes in proportion,
                   and differences between   employer contributions and proportionate share of contributions derived
                   from the actuarial calculation of the College’s net   pension liability. The deferred inflow of resources

                   for the   College administered OPEB obligation relates to changes in assumptions.   The deferred inflow

                   of  resources    from  the  RHIA  OPEB  obligation  administered  by  PERS  results  from  changes  in  the

                   differences  between    expected  and  actual  experience,  changes  of  assumptions,  net  difference
                   between projected and actual earnings on investments, and changes in proportion.
                   Compensated Absences

                   Employees accumulate vacation and sick   leave in accordance with their related bargaining agreement,
                   employee   handbook, or under Oregon Revised Statutes Sections 653.601 – 653.661. Accumulated and

                   unused  vacation  balances    are  accrued  at  the  end  of  the  year.  Used  vacation  is  expensed  when
                   incurred.  Unused sick balances are not accrued at the end of the year, as they are forfeited when an
                   employee separates from service. Used sick leave is expensed when incurred.
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