Page 3 - Hindu.pdf
P. 3
developed a culture based upon a psychological, sociological and genital
system of social division for individual's factors in it..." she agreed.
and social development.”
“For the betterment of families and
“Yes, it is most essential for living...” society our ancestors have divided
human life into four phases based on
“The system of classification by natural part of the journey from cradle to
profession and skills was named as grave. Phase 1- for education or acquiring
"Varna". We need four powers for the skills. 2 - for married and householder
harmonious society- intelligence, decision phase. 3 - for gradually retiring, it is the
making, planning and execution. They time for return to contemplation and for
named these four powers as Brahmana, guiding society. 4- Renunciation - you are
Kshatriya, Vaishya and Shudra. This is ready for a happy death. Is it difficult to
just a broad classification; there are follow?”
hundreds of subdivisions for each one.
Varna system is NOT vertical it is "No Uday - everybody's life is like that
horizontal where everyone is equal. No only..."she said.
work or job has been considered as lower
or higher (Uttamam Cha Adhamam Cha “Our ancients called the phase (stages of
Ethat Karma Na Vidyathe, says our life) as 'Ashram'. The four ashrams are
scriptures). It was totally transparent and Brahmacharya (student), Grihastha
democratic. Is that not timely?” (householder), Vanaprastha (retired) and
Sannyasa (renunciation) respectively.
“It can be practiced at any time Uday. Should it be confined to a geographical
Such system is applicable to anywhere in area or religion?”
the world...”
“No. It can be applied anywhere in the
"They have done research and study on world... ...”
genetics. They said it would be better (not
mandatory) if you marry from the families “The ancients meditated and researched
that follow same Varna. So that the about the ultimate aim or purpose of
children will carry genetically-ordained human life and ways to reach fulfill that
skills, ability and characteristics plus purpose. They had developed a
acquired extra innings of their parents. convenient, simple and flexible life-
And from childhood they get familiarized system to live happily and with
to the profession (karma) that his/her contentment. They called this integrated
parents doing. This is the best way of living and development as Puruṣhartha
learning and progressing in life...Should (Purusha = human being, Artha =
this principle limited to India?” meaning or purpose)”
“No, it's a universal truth - a blacksmith's “Yes, I heard about it. But this part is
son can be better blacksmith. It has confusing for me...”
P.G. Better Living