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P. 4
“Till this day the word was confusing for
me..." she said.
“The basis of all true pleasantness
(sukha) is or righteous conduct (dharma).
(Hence, Sukhasya Mulam Dharmah: the
basis of happiness is righteousness or
ethics.) A person has to do his karma
(work) with untiring sincerity and honestly
to fulfill his various dharma. Is it difficult to
"Not at all. I understood.”
“Puruṣārthas are four - Dharma "Now, if you follow the Brahmacharya
(righteousness, moral values), Artha Asharam, your dharma is learning. To
(prosperity, economic values), Kāma understand the value of learning the
(pleasure, love, psychological values) and teachers (acharyas) should be paid by the
Moksha (awareness and readying for student itself. A student must work hard to
death). These aspects will take care of pay his/her fees. One can even beg or
every aspect of life - physiological, work in the institution. This makes sure
physical, safety, social, esteem, Self- that the boy/girl learns humility and
actualization...” humanity and exposed to hardships and
miseries of the life. You tell me if there is
"How to follow it, Uday?”
any other method existing in this world to
“An individual has certain duties, make a boy/girl a perfect human being &
responsibilities and privileges. They called good citizen?”
this righteous living as Dharma. Take for “You are right. Now-a-days we pamper
instance, I have the dharma of a father, our children and make them morons... But
husband, son, brother, lover, community what about the other three aspects -
member, journalist, wrier, citizen, teacher, Artha, Kama and Moksha?”
student etc. I have to take up the
responsibility of all these duties and take “Artha = pursuit of wealth, guided by
care of those people in question; the dharma. Acquire money, but in an ethical
earth and environment. The dharma or dharmic or righteous way. Earn
concept is developed based upon the according to the rules and regulations of
principle of 'the world is one family' the country he/she lives in. After
(Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam) that call for studentship, as you enter into the next
mutual love, respect and belongingness. phase (Grihastha Ashram), work
A dharmic person should live with (ethically) hard to create wealth to meet
freedom, responsibility and discipline.” basic needs - food, money, clothing and
P.G. Better Living