Page 6 - Hindu.pdf
P. 6

“Fundamentally your life is by your                          Dharma. Nobody prevents you from
    Karma. Hence, those things are not                           following your beliefs inside your house,
    mandatory, but it is better if you follow                    until and unless you take it to the streets.”
    earnestly for your betterment. You always
    have choice and lot of options there. But I                  Sanatan Dharma in a nut shell =
    would insist you to follow those rituals; it                 Varna+Ashrama+Dharma and
    is not for beliefs or gods. It's for you,                    Purushartha plus Shodasha Sanskar. Our
    family and the society. “                                    sages have written nearly 29 books on
                                                                 dharma Sastra (for each and every role of
    "Why do you insist?”                                         human being) if you don't know about
                                                                 your dharma. For your mental, physical
    "All our rituals are either or any or all                    and social health, they have given us
    these results: Psychological effect,                         yoga, Ayurveda, pranayama etc. For
    physiological affect, physical benefits,                      Kama, they have provided authentic
    spiritual family bondage, social bondage                     scriptures on arts, science, kamasastra...
    and national integration, environmental                      Everything that's needed for the world is
    protection, sustainable healthy living...”                   thus already provided with abundance. All

                                                                 we have to do is live happily! So that the
    "Can we do it outside India or can non-
    Hindus do it?"                                               entire world would be happy.

    "Yes. We don't have any superstitious or
    illogical rituals. Our ancients worked
    out16 rituals or sacraments during the
    lifetime of a person - that's called
    Shodasa (=16) Sanskar (=culture). There

    is nothing religious or exclusiveness in it.                                Udaylal Pai
    These 16 rituals have nothing to do with
    temples, gods or beliefs. Anybody who
    wants betterment in life, family and                         Freelance Journalist, writer and Author.
    society can do it. As I said, it's for                       He writes mostly about the human
    psychological, physiological and social                      experiences and how it can be useful for
    health that will bring happiness and                         the young generation to lead a happy,
    contentment for entire world.”                               peaceful and blessed life, founded upon

                                                                 our dharma taught by our ancestors. He
    “What about belief in god?”
                                                                 shares his  experiences in life in various
    "It's also optional. If you have some                        blog sites site like Times of India's

    beliefs, you may follow it in any country -                  Speaking Tree. But now he is focused
    but without hurting or implementing on                       only in his  website and his blogs. He can
    others. If you follow superstitions, then                    be reached at his website
      you are not a follower of Sanatan                

                 P.G. Better Living
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