P. 199

           IN INDONESIA

                                                           the  DPR-GR  also  fully  appreciated  the  actions
                                                           that  had  been  taken  by  the  previous  Govern-
                                                           ment, namely freezing the members of PKI and
           In order to normalize                           its mass organizations in their activities as mem-

           the situation and fulfill                       bers of the DPR-GR.
           the people’s demand to                          Furthermore,  the  era  of  DPR-GR  without  the

           disband the PKI to its                          Communist Party of Indonesia took place, which
           roots, the purging of the                       was in 1965-1966. After the G30S incident, the
                                                           DPR-GR carried out purification and temporarily
           communist elements                              suspended 62 DPR-GR members who were af-
           started from the structure                      filiated with the PKI and its mass organizations.
                                                           Although there had been a change in the mem-
           of the Government. One                          bership of “DPR-GR without PKI”, as long as the

           of those affected was the                       Presidential Regulation No. 32 of 1964 had not
           membership of the DPR-                          been revoked, legally the position of the leader-
                                                           ship of the “DPR-GR without PKI” was still the
           GR. Members of the PKI                          same as before, with the status as an assistant
           Faction of the DPR-GR                           to the president. During its only one year of ten-

           had their membership                            ure (1965-1966), the “DPR-GR without PKI” had
                                                           undergone four changes in the composition of
           status suspended as                             its leadership, namely:

           parliamentarians.                                 1.  Period of 15 November 1965-26 Februari 1966.

                                                             2. Period of 26 Februari 1966-2 Mei 1966.
                                                             3. Period of 2 Mei 1966-6 Mei 1966.

                                                             4. Period of 17 Mei 1966-9 November 1966.

                                         In order to normalize the situation and fulfill the people’s demand to
                                      disband the PKI to its roots, the purging of the communist elements
                                      started  from  the  structure  of  the  Government.  One  of  those  affected
                                      was the membership of the DPR-GR. Members of the PKI Faction of the
                                      DPR-GR had their membership status suspended as parliamentarians.

                                      Efforts  to  purge  PKI  elements  within  the  DPR-GR  were  immediately
                                      carried out by the leadership of the DPR-GR approximately one month
                                      after the incident. In mid-November 1965, the membership of the PKI
                                      Faction of the DPR-GR was suspended. This decision was mandated in
                                      the Decree of DPR-GR Leadership No. 10/Pimp/I/65-66 and followed by
                                      Decree No. 13/Pimp/I/1965-1966.

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