P. 202


                  Entering 1966, the people’s pressure on the Government to create eco-
                  nomic and political stability grew. Demonstrations against the govern-
                  ment erupted on 10 January in front of the State Secretariat, Jakarta. The
                  masses consisting of youth and student organizations such as Ansor, the
                  Muhammadiyah Youth, GMKI, GAMKI, GSNI, the Marhaenis Youth, HMI,
                  the Catholic Youth, and others (part of the Youth
                  Front) urged the Government to immediately re-
                  voke all tariff increase regulations that essentially
                  burdened the poor.
                                                                         In the midst of a volatile
                  They also demanded that the cabinet’s authority
                  be  restored  immediately  by  firing  incompetent     and heated national
                  officials and urging the government to purge the       political situation, the
                  cabinet from communist elements. Two days later,
                  on 12 January 1966, students who were members          Armed Forces of the
                  of the  KAMI  (Indonesian  Student Action Union)       Republic of Indonesia
                  held  a  demonstration.  They  did  a  long  march     (ABRI) declared its
                  from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of
                  Indonesia to the DPR-GR Building, Senayan.             loyalty and obedience to
                                                                         the Supreme Commander,
                  Observing  the  increasing  intensity  of  the  dem-   President Soekarno, to
                  onstration which started to threaten national in-
                  tegrity,  the  DPR-GR  Speaker  Aruji  Kartawinata,    face all the challenges
                  the DPR-GR Deputy Speaker I.G.G. Subamia and           of the revolution in
                  Rear Admiral Mursalim met with President Soe-          accordance with the
                  karno.  They  submitted  a  progress  report  of  the
                  student demonstration that demanded the repeal         Sapta Marga and the
                  of all Government regulations regarding price in-      Soldier’s Oath.
                  creases and transport fares.

                  In the midst of a volatile and heated national po-
                  litical situation, the Armed Forces of the Republic
                  of Indonesia (ABRI) declared its loyalty and obe-
                  dience to the Supreme Commander, President Soekarno, to face all the
                  challenges of the revolution in accordance with the Sapta Marga and the
                  Soldier’s Oath. So far, ABRI and the people had maintained cohesiveness
                  as a prerequisite for the success of the Revolution, especially in terms of
                  national security. This affirmation was contained in a statement by the
                  ABRI leadership on 16 January 1966.

                  Realizing the dire situation in the country, the leadership of the DPR-GR
                  decided that the Deliberative Committee and the Leaders of the Groups

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