P. 207

           IN INDONESIA

                                        1.  That the so-called “September 30 Movement”, based on the facts
                                          that have been obtained so far, was actually masterminded by the
                                          Communist Party of Indonesia (PKI) and its mass organizations.

                                        2. That the so-called incident of “September 30 Movement” or “Ge-
                                          stapu” was a counter-revolutionary movement because it betrayed
                                          the Indonesian Revolution and Pancasila and carried out barbaric
                                          acts outside of humanity that caused many victims, among both the
                                          leadership of the Armed Forces as well as the people.
                                        3. That  the  people  in  general,  including  labors,  farmers,  employees,
                                          both  those  who  join  progressive  revolutionary  political  parties
                                          and mass organizations and those who were in the Armed Forces,
                                          strongly  condemned  the  counter-revolutionary  actions  of  the  so-
                                          called “30 September Movement”, and demanded the disbandment
                                          of the political parties and mass organizations that were the master-
                                          minds and perpetrators of the Gestapu.

                                      Subsequently, the plenary session on 15 November 1965 decided to:
                                        1.  Fully support the policy of the leadership of the People’s Representa-
                                          tive Council of Mutual Assistance which had temporarily suspended
                                          all activities of the members of the People’s Representative Coun-
                                          cil of Mutual Assistance who represented the Communist Party of
                                          Indonesia (PKI) and its mass organizations, as well as other mass
                                          organizations that were suspected to have been involved or involve
                                          in  the  counter-revolutionary  movement  called  the  “September  30
                                          Movement” .

                                        2. Urge  P.J.M.  (Your  Excellency)  President,  Supreme  Commander  of
                                          the Armed Forces of the Republic of Indonesia/the Great Leader of
                                          the Revolution, Bung Karno, to as soon as possible take the final de-
                                          cision in the political field in accordance with his responsibilities to
                                          the nation and the state, especially his responsibilities towards The
                                          Almighty God, now and in the future, and also in accordance with
                                          the  demands  of  the  Indonesian  people  through  their  progressive
                                          revolutionary political parties and mass organizations, which was to
                                          dissolve the Communist Party of Indonesia (PKI) and its mass orga-

                                        3. Urge the government in a short period of time to provide an offi-
                                          cial statement before the People’s Representative Council of Mutual
                                          Assistance Session regarding the course of events of the counter-
                                          revolutionary incident called the “September 30 Movement” .

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