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and considerations to the Great Leader of the Revolution, in order to pre-
vent, both now and in the future, the making of inappropriate decisions
and policies, which did not embody the voice of the people’s conscience.
Third, as a continuation of the previous statement, it was stated that in this
connection, the Armed Forces, like the good intention of President Soe-
karno himself, which also acted as the voice of the people’s conscience,
would like to place the true nature of the President’s position, according to
the purity of the principles of the 1945 Constitution implementation.
Fourth, for the purification of implementation based on the 1945 Consti-
tution, as an embodiment of the people’s conscience, the Armed Forces
of the Republic of Indonesia supported President Soekarno’s policies re-
• The plan to enact the General Election Law, based on the joint pow-
ers of the President and the DPR.
• The plan to enact a Law on the Composition of the Supreme Adviso-
ry Council, based on the joint powers of the President and the DPR.
This statement letter from the Armed Forces of the Republic of Indone-
sia was issued in Jakarta, 5 May 1966, and signed by the Deputy Prime
Minister of Defense and Security a.i./Minister Commander of the Armed
Forces, TNI Lieutenant General Suharto, Deputy Supreme Command-
er of the Command to Destroy Malaysia, TNI General Dr. AH. Nasution,
Minister/Commander of the Navy, Rear Admiral (L) Mulyadi, Minister/
Commander of the Air Force, Air Commodore Rusmin Nuryadin, and Mi-
nister/Commander of the Police Force, Police Commissioner General
Sucipto Yudodiharjo.
With the issuance of the ABRI Statement, President Soekarno did not
end up dissolving the MPRS and DPR-GR. Then, President Soekarno in-
tended to perfect the membership composition of the MPRS, DPR-GR,
and DPA, in particular to fill the vacancies in these institutions which
resulted from members who were involved in the counter-revolutionary
incident of the September 30 Movement.
On 15 November 1965, the DPR-GR minus the PKI held a plenary session.
In the plenary session, the DPR-GR issued a stance.
The stance of the DPR-GR could be seen from the following three points
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