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“His Excellency the Speaker”, and it was instead
enough to call him the “Speaker” .
Based on the temporary
In this plenary session, the DPR-GR was oc-
cupied by university students. At that time, the recommendation of
Chair of the KAMI Presidium, Cosmas Batubara, the leaders, President
spoke in front of 160 of the 230 members of the Soekarno intended to
DPR-GR, and delivered a Political Memorandum
of KAMI. This political memorandum essentially dissolve the MPRS and
questioned the basis for the President to appoint DPR-GR as a realization
members of the DPR-GR and determine the num- of the implementation
ber. The memorandum also questioned the basis
for the President to appoint the Speaker of the of the 1945 Constitution
DPR if the institution was elected by the people. in a pure and consistent
Another question was the basis for the President manner, with the
to honorably terminate the members of the DPR
as stated in Article 8 of Presidential Decree No. consideration that the
4/1960. implementation of the
1945 Constitution must
The DPR-GR Political Committee had finally pro-
duced a Resolution of the DPR-GR RI which con- begin with the formation
tained “Contributions of Thoughts to be Made of a National Committee.
the Main Event in the IV General Assembly of the
MPRS”. This resolution was ratified by the DPR-
GR on 9 June 1966. In the introduction to the letter,
the position of the March 11 Warrant as the key to
opening a new chapter in the history of the Indonesian Revolution was
stated. This was a historic momentum that would determine the next his-
torical path for the Pancasila Revolution in Indonesia.
Based on the temporary recommendation of the leaders, President Soe-
karno intended to dissolve the MPRS and DPR-GR as a realization of the
implementation of the 1945 Constitution in a pure and consistent man-
ner, with the consideration that the implementation of the 1945 Constitu-
tion must begin with the formation of a National Committee. This meant
that “Before the MPRS, DPR and DPA (Supreme Advisory Council) were
formed according to the Constitution, all powers were exercised by the
president with the assistance of the Central National Committee” (Article
IV of Transitional Rules of the 1945 Constitution).
Unlike President Soekarno’s stance that he could accept the recommen-
dation to dissolve the MPRS, DPR-GR, and DPA to return to the forma- 197