P. 209

           IN INDONESIA

                                                           ministers from the Dwikora Cabinet. The Cabinet
                                                           Presidium  at  the  opening  was  represented  by
                                                           the  ministers  of  state,  Aminudin  Azis  and  Oey
           The composition of the                          Tjoe Tat.

           DPR-GR minus the PKI
           was different from the                          The DPR-GR in the plenary session on 16 March
                                                           1966, ratified a statement of opinion on the Presi-
           previous membership                             dent’s policies as stated in the Order of 11 March
           of the DPR-GR. The                              1966  (Supersemar).  This  letter  gave  Lieutenant

           composition consisted                           General Soeharto the assignment to ensure the
                                                           security,  personal  safety,  and  authority  of  the
           of Political Groups                             President. In its statement of opinion, the DPR-

           (Nationalist, Islamic,                          GR expressed full approval and support for the
           Christian-Catholic), and                        policies outlined in the letter of order.

           the Functional Groups                           In addition, the DPR-GR also stated its willing-

           (Golongan Karya).                               ness  to  assist  Lieutenant  General  Suharto  in
                                                           implementing  the  letter  of  order  as  well  as  the
                                                           DPR-GR’s approval and support for Presidential
                                                           Decree no. 1/3/1966 of 12 March 1966 concern-
                                                           ing the disbandment of the Communist Party of
                                                           Indonesia (PKI), including its organizational parts
                                      from the central to the regional levels along with all organizations that
                                      share the same principles/take refuge/shelter under it, and declared the
                                      PKI a prohibited organization throughout the territory of the Republic of

                                      Apart from purging the communist elements from the government, ef-
                                      forts were made to refresh the membership structure of the new DPR-
                                      GR (the DPR-GR minus the PKI). The composition of the DPR-GR minus
                                      the PKI was different from the previous membership of the DPR-GR. The
                                      composition consisted of Political Groups (Nationalist, Islamic, Christian-
                                      Catholic), and the Functional Groups (Golongan Karya).

                                      Representatives of political parties in the DPR-GR who originally sat in
                                      the Spiritual Sub-Class, Material Development Sub-Class, and Spiritual
                                      Development  Sub-Class  were  merged  back  into  their  parent  political
                                      party. Therefore, not a single member of the DPR-GR from a political
                                      party was a member of the subs of Functional Groups. Instead, there was
                                      a new faction, namely the A, B, and C Development Faction (Fraksi Karya
                                      Pembangunan), all of which had a total of 96 members. The faction was
                                      part of non-ABRI Functional Groups in the DPR-GR minus the PKI.

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