P. 213
Meanwhile, the problems that could be isolated
should be isolated first. Because, what was
The IV General Assembly important was that the goal could be achieved
without causing unnecessary things.
of the MPRS was finally
held from 20 June to The process of reform in the legislative sector
5 July 1966 without a after the IV General Assembly of the MPRS had
also started to be rolled out. On 19 November
hitch. The president, 1966, the DPR-GR approved Law Number 10 of
who was previously 1966 concerning the Position of the MPRS and
DPR-GR Ahead of the General Election. With this
unwilling to provide an law, for the first time after Indonesia returned to
accountability report, the 1945 Constitution, the composition and posi-
finally agreed because of tion of the MPRS and DPR-GR were made in the
form of a law.
strong political pressure
from the MPRS. After Ahead of the IV MPRS General Assembly, the
the IV General Assembly DPR-GR worked hard to prepare ideas for solv-
ing the political and juridical crisis. On 9 June
of the MPRS, President 1966, the DPR-GR in its plenary session rati-
Soekarno dissolved the fied the DPR-GR Resolution on “Contributions
Dwikora Cabinet and of Thoughts to be Made the Main Event in the
IV General Assembly of the MPRS”. The contri-
later formed the Ampera bution included three main issues to overcome
Cabinet. the political crisis, namely the source of the le-
gal order of the Republic of Indonesia, the Order
of Legislation of the Republic of Indonesia, and
proposals and suggestions. Specifically regard-
ing proposals and suggestions, it was proposed
that the MPRS ratify the March 11, 1966 Warrant.
The IV General Assembly of the MPRS was finally held from 20 June to 5
July 1966 without a hitch. The president, who was previously unwilling to
provide an accountability report, finally agreed because of strong politi-
cal pressure from the MPRS. After the IV General Assembly of the MPRS,
President Soekarno dissolved the Dwikora Cabinet and later formed the
Ampera Cabinet. Soekarno remained the president, but the preparation
of the cabinet was left to General Suharto as the Supersemar bearer. Soe-
harto then assembled a cabinet after consulting with the leadership of
the MPRS-GR. The MPRS and DPR-GR leaders no longer had ministerial
positions in the cabinet.