P. 210
Thus, the principal differences between the composition of the DPR-GR
membership based on Presidential Decree No. 4 of 1960 and the com-
position of the DPR-GR membership after being refreshed, included the
presence of non-ABRI Functional Groups in the DPR-GR based on Presi-
dential Decree No. 4 of 1960. Most of its members (more than two thirds)
were affiliated to a political party, while all members of the Functional
Groups in the DPR-GR, after being refreshed, were purely from the Func-
tional Groups.
The DPR-GR, whose number of members had
been increased to 414 people, was the one who
carried out the duties and authorities in accor-
dance with the 1945 Constitution until the DPR The position, duties, and
from the general election results was actually
formed. This was regulated in the General Provi- authority of the DPR-
sions of Article 1 paragraph (2) of Law no. 10 of GR minus the PKI were
1966 concerning the Position of the MPRS and further regulated and
DPR-GR before the general election. Since 15
November 1966, the DPR-GR had been running stipulated in Article 1
without the PKI. of the DPR-GR Rules
of Procedure (DPR-GR
The position, duties, and authority of the DPR-GR
minus the PKI were further regulated and stipu- Decree No. 10/DPR-GR/
lated in Article 1 of the DPR-GR Rules of Proce- III/67-68).
dure (DPR-GR Decree No. 10/DPR-GR/III/67-68),
namely setting the Revenue Budget together with
the Government. Second, together with the Go-
vernment, they made laws and monitored go-
vernment actions.
Therefore, to carry out the functions referred to in the 1945 Constitution,
the DPR-GR had certain rights as regulated in Article 6 of Law No.
10/1966, namely the right to ask questions for each member, ask for
information (interpellation), conduct investigations (questionnaire),
make changes (amendments), propose a statement of opinion or other
proposals, and recommend someone if determined by a statutory
The position as assistant to the president in the legislative field was
actually still valid as long as Presidential Regulation No. 32 of 1964 had not
been revoked. However, in practice, before the Presidential Regulation
was formally revoked, the DPR-GR minus the PKI was no longer an 203