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H.E. Dr. Fadli Zon The Inter Parliamentary Union has issued Emergency Item Resolution on “Ending the grave hu-
discussed with Refugee man crisis, persecution and violent attacks on the Rohingyas as a threat to international peace
from Rakhine State, and security and ensuring their unconditional and safe return to their homeland in Myanmar”
Myanmar at Langsa, during the 137th IPU Assembly on October 2017 in St. Petersburg, Russia. The emergency item
Aceh, Indonesia called for all IPU Member Parliaments to join the efforts towards securing the basic rights of
the Rohingya, extending humanitarian support to the Rohingya and supporting the action of
Bangladesh and the international community aimed at the sustainable return of the Rohingya
people to their homeland of Myanmar, and also invites them to contribute to the restoration
of stability and security in Rakhine State. It is also stresses that the Government of Myanmar
must eliminate the root causes of the crisis, including the denial of citizenship to the Rohingya
people based on the 1982 Citizenship Act which has led to their statelessness and deprival of
their rights, and to their continued dispossession.
Until April 2018, Indonesia has contributed approximately USD 1,3 million as humanitarian aid
to develop shelters; deploy paramedics; provide emergency healthcare facilities, mobile clinics
and ambulances; deliver food and educational materials; install solar panels and mosques.
Given the magnitude of this refugee crisis, more is certainly needed. The international
community should do more to help the refugees, particularly those in the border of Bangladesh.
Collaboration for effective mobilization and distribution of assistance is the key here. To note,
UN OCHA (Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs) calculated that there is a need
of USD 434 million in order to execute a full scale humanitarian response plan in Bangladesh.
Selected Speeches of the Vice Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia I 267