P. 282
l In our constructive engagement with Myanmar, we have to continue to call all parties
to take all measures to restore peace and stability. We should urge Myanmar to exercise
maximum restraint; end all violent acts; protect and respect human rights to all
communities, including the Muslim Community in Rakhine State; and also implement
Advisory Commission’s recommendations.
l Indonesia welcomes opportunities to cooperate with all parties in this regard through
various mechanisms, namely Bali Process.
l Within the OIC, Indonesia believes that we should explore the possibility to take part
in economic development in Myanmar, in the context of peacebuilding and sustaining
peace. The OIC should position itself as a partner for Myanmar in its economic develop-
mentby encouraging the OIC Member States as well as developing cooperation with the
Islamic Development Bank to establish contact with Myanmar in order to take part in
the economic development, through trade and investment cooperations. Private sectors
of the members of the OIC may also contribute in advancing business and economic
development in Myanmar, most notably in Rakhine State.
H.E. Dr. Fadli Zon
visited Rohingya
Refugee Camp in Cox,s
Bazar, Bangladesh
Selected Speeches of the Vice Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia I 269