P. 281
H.E. Dr. Fadli Zon
Indonesia’s position on the issue: accompanied by
l Within the ASEAN, Indonesia is trying to be the bridge builder. Indonesia has recommend members of Indonesia
4N + 1 formula to the Government of Myanmar including urging all parties to respect Parliament visited
the rule of law, exercise maximum self-restrain and stop the on-going violence against Rohingya's Refugee
the minority in Rakhine State; restoring peace and stability, and provide security and Camp at Langsa,
assistance to all those in need irrespective of ethnicity, race, religion and belief; ending Aceh, Indonesia
the displacement and suffering of all communities affected by the escalation of violence;
opening up access to humanitarian aid; and implementing the recommendation of the
Advisory Commission on Rakhine State.
l Indonesia perceives that aside from humanitarian assistance, we must address the root
causes of the problem to avoid the recurrence of such incident.The issue of Rohingya
refugees started in Rakhine State, Myanmar. We must not forget that the root cause of
this issue falls within the jurisdiction and sovereignty of Myanmar.
l Indonesia believes in the importance of maintaining constructive engagement to earn
the trust from the Government of Myanmar because it is impossible to address the
situation without full cooperation of the Government of Myanmar.
268 I Selected Speeches of the Vice Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia