Page 193 - March On! God will Provide by Brother Aubert
P. 193

172              ToIL  AND  TRoUBLE
       Xaverian  Brothers  owned in Bruges, Manchester'  and
       Louisville  was in Brother Ryken's  name and in the event
       of his death he assigned  everything  to Brother Vincent
       Terhoeven, Superioi of the Brothers in  Manchester'
         5ne result of the Founder's  stay in the Clinic at
       Courtrai was his conversion to some stringent  health-
       ideas. On March 12, 1858, he informed  Dr' Van der
       Plancke: "Since  my return from Courtrai I  feel fine'
        I can testify that I have used the \'Yater-treatment with
        good  results. The drinking  of beer and coffee has totally
        itopped in our communit!,  thanks  be to God and your
        energetic  cooperation"'
          Tf,e e[minition  of beer and coffee was not all' World
        economics had dug deeper than dietary wisdom' The
        failure of the banls in-the United  States, the wobbly
        Bank of England., the uneasy Bourse in-Paris-all  com-
        bined to ploduce  repercussions  in Belgium'  Brother
        Ryken put^ his community on short rations'  Meat was
        eliminaied  from the bill of fare.
          "There  was no complaining,"  according  m Brother
        Felix Kerckhof, one of ihose  present. "All acquiesced  in
        the inevitable."
          With no smoking  and no beer and no meat, morale
        knew no supPort, and eventually  there was trouble but
        that is another story,
          From Brother  Ryken's point of view Louisville  was
        a sore spot in his management  of the Congregatio"'  Y'
        decided to recall the four members of the communlty
        and to replace them with Brothers  Stanislaus  and  l-oseph
        from Manchester  alons with Brothers Hubert and Ber-
        nardine from Bruges,         Stanislaus would be the
        new Superior. In inswer  to his summons Brothers Paul
        and Peier arrived in Bruges on  June  23, 1858' Brothers
        Francis and Stephen were to close the mission and fol-
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