Page 194 - March On! God will Provide by Brother Aubert
P. 194
Iow as soon- as possible, depending on Mr.
J. G. Ross, the
Founder's friend in Nerv Vork, ro assist thim financiallv
if there should be need of help.
For some reason now unknown, Brother Francis and
Stephen remained in Louisville. perhaps
!ro1!.er Bishop
Spalding detained them when he notified Brottier Rykeir
to sendonly two Brothers since he had already hired two
lay-teachers. The indignant Brorher Ryken sint nobody.
fte fye$ at th.e. expense he had gorrl to in providirig
four Brothers with the clerical clotliing needed-in Amerl
ica. He had ro revamp-,his plans urid nrra places for
these men after he had filled iheir positions.
Brother Ryken was not alone iri his indignation. In
Sep-tember when no Brothers arrived in" Louisville,
Bishop Spalding complained ro rhe Congregadon oi
the Propaganda in Rome. In due courie,
Barnabo, the Prefect of the Congregation, forwarded
the complaint ro rhe Bishop of Brirge"s and asked. for a
Mail traveled slowly in those days, and it was not
until-January 9, 185g, that Bishop IVIalou, after having
heard Brother Ryken's side of thie controversy, repliei
to Cafdinal Barnabo: .,Following my advici Brither
Ryken has wrimen Bishop Spaldi-ng that he will send
two Brother provided that each Biother shall receive
$Z00.annually and the exp-enses of his jouiney. In my
opinion rhe Mosr Rev._Bishop would. do well'to ,gr"l
to these conditions. We should hardly be angry #ith
these men because they_ render service willingl], where
they are helped more efiectively.,'
Chuckling inwardly over the discomfiture of Bishop
Spalding, Brother Ryken sat back and. waited for officia'l
confirmation in writing q!,at tris terms had been accepted.
Meanwhile in Lorri5yille, Brother Stephen, aided by
laymen, conducted St. Patrick's School-, and Brothei