Page 7 - Lisle 18 Set Up Packet
P. 7
Take Down Rules
NOTHING MOVES Before 5pm Sunday
No one is allowed to move equipment and materials into the hall or through the aisles before 5pm on
Sunday. This includes, but is not limited to: two wheel dollies, carts, ladders, paper boxes, tool boxes,
crates, and various other booth display items.
1) No one is allowed to dismantle or move out before 5pm. Dismantle after 5pm. If you are able to
walk your display out to your car – please park in a parking spot and do so. Home show staff will be
there to direct you. If you can roll your items out to the lot, you will not need a permit.
2)Overhead Door: (East Side of building) If you must pull near the overhead door please line up along
the curb nearest the overhead door and wait for instruction to pull up; from The Home Show staff.
Pull your vehicle in a single file line, so that other vehicles can maneuver around your vehicle. Do not
double park, or block anyone in, and please wait your turn. Home Show personnel will be directing
traffic, adhere to their instructions.
3)All other vehicles must pull into parking spots, and may roll or carry out your items to your vehicles.
You can use the East overhead door(s) to unload.
3) DO NOT block any exits or the overhead door with your vehicle. Be courteous of your fellow
exhibitors when unloading, it helps to get everyone out in a timely fashion.
All displays and materials MUST be removed Sunday night or they will be disposed of by
Take Down Hours: 5:00pm – 7:00pm
Thank you for your cooperation.
B. K. Casazza - Peggy Ruh - Jessica Keeneth – Zeuli
The Home Shows, Inc. - Producer
P O Box 808 Oswego, IL 60543
PHN 630-385-4000 FAX 630-385-4006 Show Mobile Phone: 630-863-3659
Web: E: