Page 30 - Annual Review 2020-21-Eng_Neat
P. 30


             During this last year, the ISSA has innovated to upgrade and renew the products
             and services provided to its members. COVID-19 has led to an increased focus

             on social security, and increased demand for regular analysis of developments,

             information sharing and mutual learning activities.

             Virtual summit and symposiums            New Country Profiles
                                                                                     COVID-19 MONITOR
             The Virtual Summit for the Americas, the   In July 2020, the ISSA launched
             Virtual Symposium on Leadership in Social   the new and improved online   The online COVID-19
             Security and the Virtual Symposium on ICT in   database, covering 184 country   Monitor attracted over
             Social Security have been quality substitutes   and  territory  profiles  on  social   40,000 views of its
             while waiting for the possibility to organize   security and with information on   pages, covering:
             presence based conferences.              international agreements.
                                                                                     - country measures
                                                                                     - analysis
             Webinars                                 e-workshops                    - news
             Since the first one in April 2020, the ISSA     The ISSA has developed a new   - webinars
             has organized close to 90 webinars and other   e-workshop programme for   - links to other sources
             online events. They are all recorded and   mutual discussion, exchanges
             available on the ISSA website.           and problem-solving in a virtual
             Virtual bilateral cooperation
             On request, the ISSA has facilitated bilateral
             meetings and cooperation.                The ISSA Diploma programme courses are
                                                      being offered in English, Arabic and French
                                                      on online training platforms provided by the
               WEEKLY ANALYSIS                        ISSA training partners.

               The ISSA provides a weekly analysis of   Regional structures
               good practices, trends and developments
               in social security on its website.     Regional structures have adapted their
                                                      services and been involved in organizing ISSA
                                                      webinars. The ISSA has launched a new regional
                                                      structure for the English-speaking Caribbean.
             New My ISSA

             The new logged-in environment for ISSA
             members with a personalized online
             dashboard, and online spaces for sharing,
             networking and collaboration.

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