Page 26 - Annual Review 2020-21-Eng_Neat
P. 26
Eric Le Bont, Director of the Council for the Social Protection of Self-Employed Workers
(Conseil de la protection sociale des travailleurs indépendants – CPSTI), France.
Since mid-2020, six social security institutions Why did your institution decide
around the world have joined the ISSA. to become a member of ISSA?
Among them is the CPSTI, France. ISSA asked
its Director, Eric Le Bont, why CPSTI decided Our institution, which was created on
to join ISSA and what he hopes to gain from 1 January 2019 following the abolition of the
membership of the Association. social security scheme for the
self-employed (Régime social
des indépendants – RSI), has
What are your institution’s main inherited a culture of international
roles and responsibilities? representation. CPSTI’s President,
In France, the CPSTI: Sophie Duprez, and I are convinced
- ensures that the bodies responsible for of the value of international
collecting contributions and providing comparisons of the action of
benefits correctly apply the rules relating social security organizations, and
to the social protection of self-employed the importance of the universal
workers and provide them with a good dimension of social protection.
Eric Le Bont, Director, CPSTI
quality service;
- determines the general guidelines for Which ISSA activities and
health and social action specifically in services are most relevant to your
favour of self-employed workers; institution, and in which do you
- manages the compulsory supplementary intend to participate?
old-age and disability-death schemes for
the self-employed and administers the Acting within a flexible and responsive
related assets. structure, the CPSTI advisors and staff focus
on thematic networking around the social
It may make proposals for legislative or protection of self-employed workers, in the
regulatory amendments to the minister fields of expertise and visibility. These needs
responsible for social security, who may also have become more pressing due to the
refer to it any question relating to the social global COVID-19 crisis and new forms of
protection of self-employed workers. self-employment, such as digital platform
work and microenterprises.