Page 21 - Annual Review 2020-21-Eng_Neat
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Health-care systems                                              must  be  available,  financing  issues
                                                 WEBINAR SERIES ON            have to be addressed, and services
             Responding to ISSA members’ interests   LONG-TERM CARE           adapted  to client  needs. Thus,  social
             in the health  area, webinars and                                security  institutions  should  be
             articles have addressed the issues of   The ISSA has launched a   prepared and equipped to respond
             building more resilient health systems,   webinar series on long-term   with the appropriate services.
             facing  the  challenges  of  medical   care, looking at international
             deserts, and improving the coverage   strategies and responses as   In November 2019, the ISSA launched
             and service quality of health insurance   well as sectoral and regional   a new webinar series on long-term care
             systems. Furthermore, the application   approaches.              (LTC) with the participation of the EC,
             of ICT in health – e-Health – emerges                            ILO, OECD and WHO. Each of them
             as a strategic tool to improve health                            presented their research findings and
             systems, and this is also covered in the ISSA Guidelines   international strategies and responses to address urgent
             on Information and Communication Technology.      LTC needs. This was followed by webinars with ISSA
                                                               members from different regions to share experiences
             Long-term care and active ageing                  on long-term care in a comparative perspective.

             Meeting the evolving needs of an ageing population
             is  one  of  four  ISSA  priorities  during  this  2020–2022
             triennium. Demographic ageing is one of the major      WEBINARS: INNOVATION,
             challenges for societies around the world, and social   HEALTH AND COVID-19
             security needs to adapt to this reality. As people live
             longer, the ambition is that they live as healthy, active   ISSA organized a number of webinars that
             and independent  lives as possible. At  the same  time,   discussed health-care coverage, COVID-19,
             many need care for long periods, which means that      innovation and use of digital technology.
             systems should be in place, professional workforce

                                                                               ISSA ANNUAL REVIEW 2020/21  21
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