Page 22 - Annual Review 2020-21-Eng_Neat
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                 VIRTUAL SUMMIT
                 Americas | 3 December 2020


             Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) was announced as the
             winner of the ISSA Good Practice Award for the Americas during the ISSA Virtual

             Summit for the Americas, which was held on 3 December 2020.


               IN THE AMERICAS

             ESDC Canada won the ISSA Good Practice   participation level is a sign of the strong
             Award (GPA)  for  the  Americas 2020  for     dedication of ISSA members in the region to
             its entry  Service transformation: Design-  share good practices, learn from each other
             thinking and the Acceleration Hub. This is     and promote the crucial role of social security
             a  good  practice  on how  to  take  a holistic   in society. A number of the good practices
             approach to improving service  delivery.   submitted were focused on responses to
             Through immersive design-thinking processes   COVID-19.
             and agile, repeatable design methods, the
             ESDC gathered innovative ideas from      Sharing good practices in a virtual
             employees, clients and partners that were   summit
             translated  into  client-centred  service
             solutions.                               The Virtual Summit for the Americas was
                                                      organized under the theme  Towards a new
             Record participation                     normal: Challenges and opportunities, and
                                                      more than 500 social security professionals
             The ISSA GPA competitions are held regionally   from ISSA members in the region registered
             every three years, to celebrate excellence in   for the event.
             social security. The regional competition for
             the Americas 2020 saw a record number of   COVID-19 was naturally the main
             138 entries coming from Central, North and   topic at the event, with discussions   GPA AMERICAS
             South America, as well as the Caribbean.   centred around measures imple-  COMPETITION
             They are all available in the ISSA Database of   mented, and the long-term effects   IN FIGURES
             Good Practices.                          on social security institutions and   • 138 good practices
                                                      systems.  Other  key  topics  covered   • 30 institutions
             The regional competition was held in the   during the summit were coverage   • 18 countries
             midst of the COVID-19 crisis, and the record   extension in view of the crisis,

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