Page 24 - Annual Review 2020-21-Eng_Neat
P. 24


             Social distancing, facemasks, hand-sanitizers, safety glass, teleworking
             arrangements, COVID-19 has placed health and safety measures at the forefront

             of everyone’s mind, also in the workplace.

               PREVENTION DURING


             With the coronavirus spreading rapidly across   The World Congress Digital
             the world, authorities and workplaces were   Meeting in October 2020   WORKPLACE MEASURES
             struggling to keep pace, widespread      highlighted  how   the
             prevention measures were implemented     COVID-19 pandemic placed   The ISSA’s Special Commission
             more quickly than ever before. Social    occupational safety and    on Prevention has published a
             distancing became the new buzzword, and   health (OSH) centre stage   list of measures that can be
             overnight hand-sanitizers and facemasks   and  pushed   forward     shared by occupational accident
             were everywhere. Teleworking arrangements   innovation in this area. As   insurances to ensure that the
             became  widespread,  while  safety  glass   part of the digital meeting,   COVID-19 will not spread at
             became common in places where in-person   the ISSA organized the    the workplace.
             interactions were still necessary, such as   Global Forum for Work Injury
             for shopping and various services.       Insurance. Stefan Hussy, from the German
                                                      Social Accident Insurance and Chair of the ISSA
                                                      Technical Commission on Insurance against
               CORONA PREVENTION MONITOR              Employment Accidents and Occupational
                                                      Diseases, stressed the necessity to build on
               The ISSA Corona Prevention Monitor     this momentum and develop an ecosystem of
               offers a selection of news and analysis   safe and healthy workplaces. The Forum was
               from media and other sources around    hosted by the Social Insurance Fund of the
               the world on prevention during         Russian Federation.
               COVID-19. This was an initiative by the
               Austrian Workers’ Compensation Board
               (Allgemeine Unfallversicherungsanstalt –              “COVID-19 has pushed society into
               AUVA) together with the ISSA’s Special      new work patterns, such as teleworking, into
               Commission on Prevention and its                new lifestyles and into social distancing.”
               14 international prevention sections.
                                                                     Marcelo Abi-Ramia Caetano, ISSA Secretary General

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