Page 27 - Annual Review 2020-21-Eng_Neat
P. 27


             The ISSA Focal Point for the English-speaking Caribbean Countries was launched
             in March 2021. This is the 18th regional structure in the ISSA community.

             The Focal Point is headed by Stewart Haynes, Director of the National Insurance

             Services in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, and the ISSA asked him a few
             questions about this new role.

             NEW FOCAL POINT IN

             THE CARIBBEAN

             Why is it important for the region to have        What would you say are the key similarities
             a focal point?                                    and differences in terms of social security
                                                               systems within the region?
             Our regional social security systems are experiencing
             many-sided challenges regarding the administration    Some key similarities of our systems are that they operate
             and sustainability of the systems. We recognize this   in small and open economies that are vulnerable to
             partnership with ISSA as an indispensable tool to fortify   external shocks including natural disasters, and we face
             governance, administration, and institutional capabilities   significant  challenges  to  provide  social  protection  for
             to better identify and respond to these challenges.  self-employed  and  informal  sector  workers.  The  key
                                                               differences of our systems surround the administrative
             What motivated the National Insurance             and governance practices.
             Services in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
             to host the Focal Point for the English-          What will be the key activities of the Focal
             speaking Caribbean Countries?                                  Point in the coming year?

             As a Bureau member of ISSA, representing                       In addition to representation and
             the English-speaking Caribbean social                          presentations at next meeting of the
             security  systems,  I  have  first-hand                        heads of regional social security systems
             knowledge and experience of the                                to be facilitated by CARICOM Secretariat,
             significant  benefits  of  the  Focal  Point.                  there will also be workshops and webinars
             As such, I was energized to position our                       on key areas and a needs-assessment
             regional social systems to improve access                      across individual social security systems,
             to the practical knowledge, extensive                          which would inform the work programme
             network, activities, products, and services                    and activities for the region.
                                                  Stewart Haynes, Head of Focal Point

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