Page 25 - Annual Review 2020-21-Eng_Neat
P. 25

The Vision Zero strategy for safety, health and well-being at work took a decisive
             step forward with the launch of the Vision Zero Accredited Training Programme,

             a cooperation between the ISSA and the IOSH.



             Vision Zero is built on a community of                       Vision Zero Digital
             institutions, companies and occupational   VISION ZERO IN
             and safety health trainers, who all believe   FIGURES        Another important development during
             in a world of work without accident or                       this last year, was the launch of Vision
             harm. The trainers play an important    • 10,300 companies   Zero Digital in March 2021. This is a unique
             role in building prevention capacities in   • 3,500 partners  online platform that brings together
             workplaces, and the launch of the Vision   • 1,300 trainers  specialists  in  the  field  of  occupational
             Zero Accredited Training Programme is                        safety, health, wellbeing, and environ-
             therefore an important step forward.                         mental protection. This platform is
                                                               expanding the usual tools of interaction: participants will
             The new programme is offered by IOSH, and builds on a   find  unique  materials,  and  networking,  personalized
             partnership agreement signed with the ISSA in October   personal accounts, chats and voting.
             2020. IOSH is the world’s leading chartered professional
             body for people responsible for safety, health and
             well-being in the workplace.

             The Vision Zero Accredited Training Programme was   “Together we will further the cause of
             launched during the World Congress Digital Meeting on   preventing workplace harm and achieve
             5 October 2020. Over 1,200 Vision Zero trainers were   our shared vision of a safer, healthier
             invited to take part in the programme, which is available
             to anyone with the necessary experience.          world of work.”

                                                               Bev Messinger, Chief Executive, IOSH

                                                                               ISSA ANNUAL REVIEW 2020/21  25
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