Page 20 - Annual Review 2020-21-Eng_Neat
P. 20
Access to affordable and high-quality health and long-term care has been one of
the most important priorities for social security in the past years. Inclusion and
coverage, health, rehabilitation and long-term care are issues closely linked to
ageing populations. They are at the core of the ISSA priorities for the triennium.
Through a number of activities including and provides input to the work of the ISSA
webinars, a technical report and articles, the technical commissions. In view of the
ISSA has facilitated the sharing of experiences pandemic, it will also look into rehabilitation
on a number of strategic aspects related to aspects for persons affected by long-term
health. The aim is to help members take effects from COVID-19.
inspiration, learn and find solutions from each
other. A number of activities have focussed Recovering from a coronavirus infection and
on the resilience of health systems, eHealth, returning to a normal life and full work
the innovative use of digital solutions, and capacities is not a given. The symptoms can
links to COVID-19. Others focused on aging be anything from insignificant, to severe and
populations, long-term care (LTC) and the even lethal. Experts increasingly point to the
evolving needs of older people. long-term effects. Older
people and people with
underlying diseases are ISSA SPECIAL WORKING
The importance of rehabilitation
most vulnerable, but there GROUP ON REHABILITATION
The ISSA established the Special Working are many examples of
Group on Rehabilitation. The multidisciplinary patients that suffer severely The ISSA Special Working Group
nature of rehabilitation – involving work and for which recovery is a on Rehabilitation, consists of
injury, health, employment and sickness long process. The pandemic ISSA member institutions from
benefits – motivated the creation of this has accentuated the crucial Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium,
important group, which was announced at importance of rehabilitation, Canada, Finland, Germany,
the World Social Security Forum in October as millions of coronavirus Indonesia, Republic of Korea,
2019. It is implementing an ambitious work patients are in need of help Malaysia, Mexico, Nigeria and
plan focussing on increased labour market to get back to a normal life the United Kingdom.
participation, active living and active ageing, and to work.