Page 17 - Annual Review 2020-21-Eng_Neat
P. 17

Digital inclusion                                 International partnership

             Digital solutions were at the heart of strategies to deliver   For the ISSA, it is essential to partner with the leading
             services during the crisis and expand coverage. However,   international  experts  in  key  fields  for  social  security
             whenever social security services go digital and in particular   institutions. Partnerships with the United Nations
             in reaching out to difficult-to-cover groups, the question   University Operating Unit on Policy-Driven Electronic
             of digital literacy and inclusion must be considered in   Governance (UNU-EGOV) and with the International
             order not to exclude certain parts of the population.   Telecommunication Union (ITU) have been particularly
                                                               fruitful. These two organizations and the ISSA have
             Through a webinar series on digital inclusion, ISSA   converging priorities and goals when it comes to making
             member institutions have shared their good practices in   strategic use  of  technology  to  transform and improve
             this area. Ensuring accessibility is one of the key elements   public governance and services.
             in any approach, and social security institutions have
             implemented innovative, but practical, solutions, taking   Both organizations are contributing to the ISSA
             into account mobile and internet infrastructure and   knowledge in their areas of expertise. For the ITU, focus
             penetration.                                      has been on cybersecurity, and for UNU-EGOV it has
                                                               been on digital transformation in public services. UNU-
             Social security institutions are also focussing on the   EGOV has contributed in a range of virtual events
             continuous re-skilling and upskilling of their staff, to prepare   organized by the ISSA this year, including the webinar
             them to work in a human-and-digital environment.   series on digital inclusion.

               VIRTUAL SYMPOSIUM ON ICT                           HUMAN-AND-DIGITAL IS THE REALITY

               The ISSA Virtual Symposium on Information and      The ISSA Virtual Symposium on Leadership in
               Communication Technology showed the power of       Social Security, in January 2021, demonstrated
               ICT in addressing the impact of COVID-19 in        the transformation towards a human-and-digital
               social security services.                          model in social security.

                                                                  The ISSA Guidelines on Information and
               The ISSA ran webinars on emerging technologies,    Communication Technology are the most consulted
               such as artificial intelligence and blockchain, and   of the 13 sets of ISSA Guidelines for Social Security
               on digital inclusion, drawing on the experiences    Administration.
               of ISSA member institutions in all regions.

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