Page 12 - Annual Review 2020-21-Eng_Neat
P. 12
Social security institutions are widely recognized as a fundamental pillar in the
response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The COVID-19 Monitor, webinar programme,
analysis and professional expertise of its community, has enabled the ISSA to
strengthen its role at the international level. Highlights included ISSA contribution
to the G20 and the BRICS countries, emphasizing the importance of adequate
investment in social security and institutional capacities.
No other international organization can build Building on their historic relationship, the
on the experience of 318 social security ISSA has worked closely with the ILO
institutions in 159 countries, providing social throughout the crisis. Through information
protection to over 3 billion people every and data sharing arrangements, the ISSA
day. The implementation of effective social COVID-19 Monitor contributes to the ILO
security schemes and benefits depend on World Social Protection Data Dashboards,
these institutions. In times of crisis, the agility and the two have regularly contributed to
and capacities of social security institutions each other’s online events on social protection
emerge as a national pillar of social and responses to COVID-19.
economic resilience.
In September 2020, the G20 labour and
employment ministers emphasized the crucial
role of international cooperation to tackle
the pandemic, recognizing the important
contributions of the ISSA, ILO, OECD and the
World Bank. As a new member of the G20
Employment Working Group, the ISSA has
presented joint papers with the ILO and OECD
on social protection responses to COVID-19
and on coordinating social protection and
active labour market policies. The ISSA
G20 Labour and Employment Ministers Meeting, June 2021.