Page 10 - Annual Review 2020-21-Eng_Neat
P. 10
Social security institutions have responded remarkably to the COVID-19 crisis.
While dealing with an explosion in demand, at the same time they had to
address health and safety concerns in the workplace, reorganize their ways of
working and innovate in terms of delivering services.
As national governments took rapid action continuity had to be secured and services
and placed social security at the heart of the scaled up to respond to increasing and new
response to the coronavirus pandemic, social demands from governments and the public.
security institutions often found themselves
in a completely new reality almost overnight. All of this required new ways of working,
remote equipment and digital access for
They were impacted by lockdown and new staff, and new ways of interacting with
health and safety measures, just like any clients. Social security institutions rose to
other employer. Social distancing between the challenge, demonstrating flexibility and
employees and with customers was required. agility, and a strong capacity to push forward
Offices were closed, or access restricted. innovation and digital
Partial or general teleworking was, and still transformation. In many
is, necessary. At the same time business ways, a new human-and- CHANGES THAT MAY BE
digital model in social HERE TO STAY
security has emerged from
KEYS TO SUCCESS DURING THE the crisis. - Teleworking: increased flexibility
CRISIS and working from home
- Virtual collaboration: use of
- Ensure the continuity of social security digital platforms for meetings
services and cooperation
- Decisive leadership that inspires unity - E-services: services have moved
- Speed before perfection online
- Simplicity translates to speed - Customer-centric approach: new
- Inter-institutional collaboration
- Digital skills enabling innovation approaches to meet client demand