Page 6 - Annual Review 2020-21-Eng_Neat
P. 6


             Marcelo Abi-Ramia Caetano, Secretary General of the ISSA, reflects on the
             extraordinary past year, where social security institutions have demonstrated

             their power to transform, innovate and deliver at a rapid pace. The ISSA will build

             on the experiences from this period when developing its plans for the future.


             IN THE FACE OF COVID-19

             How has this last year been for          What have been the most
             ISSA as an organization and as           important developments and
             a community?                             innovations for the ISSA?

             This has been a challenging year for all of   Almost all our meetings and events used to
             us, for the ISSA as an organization and for   be in-person. This last year, they have all
             all our member institutions. COVID-19 has   been virtual. This complete turnaround was
             impacted everyone, every day. It has affected   achieved within a matter of weeks in early
             organizations,  staff  and  colleagues,  and   2020, but at the time we did not expect the
             ordinary citizens. While the demand for social   situation to last so long. However, in 2020 we
             security benefits has exploded, the institutions   organized around 80 events, almost all of
             have had to deal with lockdown, social   them  virtual. This  year, we  are on  track  to
             distancing, and teleworking. This is also the   deliver even more. Our weekly
             case for us. Since March 2020, ISSA staff have   webinars and analytical articles
             primarily  worked  from home. Nevertheless,   have been a great success, and
             we are fortunate to have digital tools that   attract the interest of many that
             have made it possible to exchange, cooperate   we did not reach before. The
             and create important results.            COVID-19 Monitor, tracking
                                                      social security responses to the
                                                      pandemic, has also been very
                                                      important. I am pleased to say
                                                      that we have been able to
                                                      deliver both in terms of quantity
                                                                                    Marcelo Abi-Ramia Caetano
                                                      and quality to our members.   ISSA Secretary General

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