Page 8 - Annual Review 2020-21-Eng_Neat
P. 8


             Social security is at the heart of the response to the coronavirus crisis.
             The ISSA’s actions last year have focussed on helping social security institutions

             in their responses to the crisis.


             The COVID-19 pandemic has affected all   Through its COVID-19 Monitor, the ISSA has
             aspects of society. Social security institutions   actively followed, mapped and analysed
             have been at the centre of government    developments, and facilitated
             actions to address the social and economic   the sharing of institutional
             consequences for people and for employers.   experiences and good practices   COVID-19 MONITOR
             At the same time, the institutions themselves   within the global community
             have had to quickly adapt their ways of   of social security institutions,   -  Country measures
             working to provide services in a highly   professionals and experts. The   -  News monitor
             challenging context, while stepping up their   aim has been to support agile   -  Analysis
             capacities.                              institutional adaptation to the   - Webinars
                                                      crisis and the effective delivery
                                                      of  social  security  responses  to
                                                      the crisis.

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