Page 23 - Annual Review 2020-21-Eng_Neat
P. 23

addressing inequalities in the region, with a focus on   also possibilities for service improvements. While digital
             gender inequalities, and the acceleration of innovation   solutions can facilitate coverage extension, more still has
             and digitalization in social security due to the pandemic.   to  be  done  to  reach  difficult-to-cover  groups  and  to
                                                               improve gender equality.
             Building on first-hand experiences and good practices of
             ISSA members in the region, as well as contributions   The Virtual Summit was organized in cooperation with
             from the ILO, OECD, UN Research Institute for Social   the Social Insurance Fund of Costa Rica (Caja Costarricense
             Development (UNRISD) and UNU, resulted in rich    de Seguro Social – CCSS), in anticipation of the Regional
             presentations and discussions.                    Social Security Forum that it will host in December 2021,
                                                               and which was postponed due to COVID-19. The event
             The rapid digital transformation pushed forward by the   was recorded and is available for members on the ISSA
             pandemic was broadly seen as a game changer, ensuring   website.
             not  only  business continuity  and  service  delivery,  but

                                                               “I congratulate Employment and Social
               The Good Practice Award for Africa competition was   Development Canada on winning
               held in 2020. It had record participation numbers   the ISSA Good Practice Award for the
               of 97 entries from 36 institutions in 27 countries.   Americas in a competition with many
                                                               outstanding good practice entries of the
               The award winner will be announced at the       highest quality from across the region.”
               Regional Social Security Forum for Africa, which
               will take place in a virtual format the second half   Marcelo Abi-Ramia Caetano, ISSA Secretary General
               of 2021.

                                                                               ISSA ANNUAL REVIEW 2020/21  23
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