Page 31 - Jewish News_April 2020
P. 31

ISRAEL & THE JEWISH WORLD                                                                  April 2020                                   31A

                                  BRIEFS                                            Hebrew study program for Arab adults   Jews  and  Arabs....  Ariel  University,

                                                                                                                          which has 16,000 students, will have a
                                                                                    opened its first class in 2018 and has

                                                                                                                          new medical center that, once finished,
                                                                                    expanded  to  10  more  classes  for  200
                                                                                    people.  (Ruth  Eglash,  Washington   will  serve  both  Israelis  and  Palestin-
        AL JAZEERA HOST                       says,  “The  long-awaited  release  of   Post)                              ians. The Ariel Industrial Park employs
        CALLS ISRAEL MOST                     the  UN  settlement  business  database                                     about  6,000  Palestinians  along  with
        SUCCESSFUL PROJECT                    should  put  all  companies  on  notice:   ARIEL MAYOR DESCRIBES            2,000 Israelis. There, Palestinians have
        IN 120 YEARS                          to do business with illegal settlements   COEXISTENCE IN SAMARIA            real  jobs,  including  managerial  and
                                              is  to  aid  in  the  commission  of  war
        “For most Arabs, if they want to curse   crimes.”  War  crimes?  Hiring  talented   Eliyahu Shaviro is the mayor of Ariel,   engineering jobs. Israelis and Palestin-
        you, they will describe you as a ‘Zion-  Palestinians for software-engineer jobs   a city in Samaria with about 20,000   ians  work  side  by  side,  and  Palestin-
        ist,’ even though they know that the   at  tech  startups  is  aiding  in  the  com-  people.  He  said  in  an  interview:  “At   ians make the same wages as Israelis.”
        most successful project in the current   mission  of  war  crimes?  (David  Har-  a municipal level, Ariel strives to cre-  (Steve Postal, American Spectator)
        and  last  century  is  the  Zionist  proj-  sanyi, National Review)        ate steps for true coexistence between
        ect,” Faisal al-Qassem, the host of Al
        Jazeera’s  The Opposite Direction, a   AN ISRAELI COMBAT
        well-known  debate  show,  tweeted  re-  MEDIC RISKS HIS LIFE TO                            COMMUNITY PESACH                                 ה"ב
        cently.                               SAVE LIVES
            “All  of  the Arabs’  projects,  espe-

        cially that of Arab nationalism, failed.   Guy  M.,  24,  served  for  five  years  as    SED                        ER
        So...before you use the term ‘Zionist’   a  combat  soldier  and  paramedic  in
        as a curse, you must first come some-  IDF  Unit  669,  the  Combat  Rescue

        what closer to what Zionism has ac-   and Evacuation Unit of the Israel Air
        complished and then we will talk.”    Force,  and  carefully  documented  his      Relive the exodus, discover the eternal meaning of the
                                                                                           Haggadah, and enjoy a community Seder complete with
            Qassem  hosted  Arabic-language   experiences.                              hand-baked matzah, wine, and a wonderful gourmet dinner
        IDF spokesman Avichai Adraee on his       The  result  was  the  Hebrew  best-            spiced  with unique traditional customs
        program in 2018. His Twitter account   seller From Zero to One Hundred, de-
        has  5.5  million  followers.  (Times of   scribing “the ability of the unit to go
        Israel)                               from zero to one hundred in minutes.”
                                                  Guy, today a medical student at Tel
        ISRAELI GOVERNMENT                    Aviv University, said, “The most active
        AND SECURITY WEBSITES                 branch of the IDF is the Air Force. For
        UNDER CONSTANT                        every Air Force mission across Israel’s
        CYBERATTACK                           border, no matter where it is, the IDF
                                              will  not  send  a  pilot  out  without  the
        Ten major websites of Israeli security   ability to bring him or her back home
        forces have  been the  target  for more   in an emergency. This is our mission.”
        than  10,000  cyberattacks  each  dur-  (Itay Ilnai, Ynet News)                          Wednesday, april 8, 7:30 p.m.
        ing the past three months, the Hebrew
        website Ynet reported recently, citing   THE PEOPLE BEHIND                                         chabad of venice
        data  from  the  Israeli-U.S.  cybersecu-  ISRAEL’S AIR DEFENSE                              21560 angela lane, venice

        rity firm Imperva.                    SUCCESS                                             Warm and inviting atmosphere  ● Hebrew and English reading
                                                                                                   Gourmet Passover cuisine  ●  Inspirational Holiday insights
            Forty  other  Israeli  law  and  gov-  Brig.-Gen.  Ran  Kochav,  commander   Seder Cover Charge: $54/Adult • $20/Children age 5-12 •
                                                                                                         Enjoy a meaningful and interactive Seder
        ernment  websites  were  cyberattacked   of the IDF’s air defense program, said                   (After April 3 $65/Adult)
        more than a thousand times each.      Israel’s  “air  defenses  have  racked  up    No one will be turned away due to lack of funds
            The  Israel  National  Cyber  Direc-  some 2,000 interceptions.  Imagine
        torate  said  government  websites  are   what  would  have  happened  if  those            WWW.CHABADOFVENICE.COM/SEDER
        protected by highly advanced defense   missiles  had  fallen  and  each  one  of                       OR 941-493-2770
        systems and the attacks had no impact.   them  had  killed  someone.  We  would         A project of Chabad of Venice        941.493.2770
                                                                                                      Are you alone for the seder?
        (Xinhua - China)                                                                        ask us about the seder to go home kits.
                                              have  been  at  war long  ago.”  The  in-
        IDF STRIVES TO SHORTEN                terception rate in 2019 was an unprec-
        FUTURE WARS                           edented 94%. “The other side...should
                                              decide  whether,  given  these  rates  of
        The  Israel  Defense  Forces  rolled  out   interception, it’s worthwhile for him to
        its five-year plan to restructure and re-  start a war, knowing that most of the

        focus the military for the threats it be-  rockets he fires won’t hit their targets.”

        lieves it will face in the near future. The   Kochav gives credit to the person-
        guiding principle of the plan is to take   nel first, and then to the systems. “My

        full advantage of the areas in which the   mom is sure that the Color Red siren is
        IDF has superiority – air power, intelli-  automatic, and so is Iron Dome.... I go
        gence and technology – in order to en-  nuts when I hear on the radio that Iron

        sure that Israel maintains a significant   Dome intercepted something. What is
        edge over its foes.                   Iron Dome? There are soldiers behind
            The IDF plans to use this superior-  it. It’s not automatic.”
        ity to win any future war as quickly as   “I need intelligence, most of which
        possible. To do so, the IDF must sig-  we  collect  ourselves,  but  the  Ameri-
        nificantly  improve  its  ability  to  iden-  cans help with some. Air defense is the

        tify enemy targets and strike as many   only  field  in  which  there  is  a  signed

        as possible as quickly as possible. IDF   operational  directive  with  the Ameri-

        Chief  of  Staff  Lt.-Gen.  Aviv  Kohavi   cans. Nothing else like it exists.” That
        said  the  plan  is  based  on  “the  highly   means  “that  there  is  intelligence  and
        increased  ability  to  discover  the  en-  operational cooperation in the field of

        emy, on the highly increased ability to   defense.”
        destroy the enemy, on integration that    Kochav  notes  that  over  50%  of
        allows  us  to  be  very,  very  effective.”   the recent recruits to the program have

        (Judah Ari Gross, Times of Israel)    been women. “Everything here is 50-
        THE UN ONCE AGAIN                     50. I have the most integrated battal-
        PROVES ITS ANTI-                      ions.... A woman can serve in any air
        SEMITISM                              defense position.” (Yoav Limor, Israel
        Those who run the UN recently set up
        a new “database” to help anti-Semites   ISRAEL AIMS TO
        target Jewish businesses in the disputed   STRENGTHEN UNITED
        territories of Judea and Samaria – busi-  JERUSALEM WITH BETTER

        nesses that offer economic opportuni-  CITY SERVICES
        ties for Palestinians that pay higher than

        most other jobs in the West Bank. In no   A recent effort by Israel seeks to im-
        other international dispute does the UN   prove living conditions in eastern Je-
        target peaceful civilians or institutions.   rusalem and better integrate the Arab
        In no place do they work to destroy the   population.  In the  past three  years,
        businesses of noncombatants based on   the Israeli government has designated
        their ethnicity or religion.          nearly  $50  million  to  upgrade  waste
            The  “boycott,  divestment  and   and sewage systems as well as enhanc-
        sanctions” (BDS) campaign, now sup-   ing  transportation  and  adding  class-
        ported  by  the  UN,  is  a  coordinated   rooms. There has also been a push for

        international  effort  committed  to  the   more Arab schools to adopt the Israeli
        elimination of the Jewish state, target-  curriculum, including Hebrew instruc-
        ing Jews under the guise of anti-Zion-  tion.
        ism. No other country that oversees a     Meanwhile, there has been an in-

        minority population is afforded even a   crease  in  eastern  Jerusalem  residents
        slither of the attention of the world.  obtaining  Israeli  citizenship,  includ-
            The UN deputy executive director   ing 1,200 last year, the most ever, ac-
        for  advocacy,  Bruno  Stagno  Ugarte,   cording to Israel’s Interior Ministry. A

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