Page 33 - Jewish News_April 2020
P. 33

COMMENTARY                                                                                 April 2020                                   33A

        Europe’s lessons...continued from previous page

        took place in Paris in 2014. An odd as-  and  its  proponents  when  it  first  sur-  As  a  European  engaged  around   with a clear plan to combat this cancer,
        sortment of people – “ultra-Catholics”   faces, prepare a clear action plan, and   the clock with American Jews, I feel a   I get more nervous.
        opposed to the idea of same-sex mar-  commit  the necessary resources to    sense of responsibility and urgency to   We have come to understand that

        riage; the far right; elements of the far   fight this disease.             share our experience.                 no single  country  is immune  to  anti-

        left; and young people from immigrant     Additionally,  the  U.S.  needs  a   With every exhausting debate over   Semitism. Europe’s experience offers a
        backgrounds  –  demonstrated  against   genuine reappraisal of its approach to   what constitutes anti-Semitism, with   cautionary tale for the United States.
        the government of François Hollande.   understand  how  it  got  to  this  point.   every refusal to take into consideration   Simone Rodan-Benza quen is the direc-

        Some shouted “Jews, out of France!”   Different  forms  of  anti-Semitism    anti-Semitism  from  the  other  side  of   tor of the American Jewish Committee

        and “Jews, France is not yours!” pro-  sometimes  need  different  approaches.   the political divide, with every glance   (AJC) Europe.
        viding a sad reminder that people who   Public policies need to be adapted ac-  at the overwhelming amount of anti-  The AJC West Coast Florida
        have  nothing  in  common  can  and  do   cordingly.                        Semitic hate speech online, and every

        come together in their hatred of Jews.    In  addition,  successfully  combat-  time I see certain politicians in the U.S.   office, located in Sarasota, can

            The most important lesson of the   ting  anti-Semitism  will  require  wide   fail  to  find  the  courage  to  speak  out   be reached at 941.365.4955.
        European experience  for the U.S. is   engagement  with civil society.  The   clearly and unequivocally and come up
        the  need  to  analyze  and  confront  all   Jewish community  in Europe spent
        forms of anti-Semitism without excep-  many years feeling entirely abandoned
        tion,  and  to  depoliticize  the  problem   by the rest of society. We marched in   discover...                    A
                                                                                                                                        new way
                                                                                                                                        new way
        entirely.  Europe  wasted  many  years   the streets of Paris and Toulouse, but                                                 new way
        by not addressing the more contempo-  mostly alone. The reality is that anti-
        rary forms of anti-Semitism, because   Semitism  is not the problem of Jews                                               to care for
        it was politically uncomfortable to do   alone. It is the problem of society as
        so. It was difficult for many to realize   a  whole.  Jews  are  only  the  sentinels:                                      your skin

        and then admit, for example, that anti-  anti-Semitism is a vicious disease that,
        Semitism could come from individuals   if left unchecked, will spread and de-

        who  themselves  were  suffering  from   stroy everything  that  comes its way.

        discrimination.                       Only  when  different  parts  of  society
            Those  willing  to  combat  anti-  come together – when difficult dialogue

        Semitism  only when it stems from     happens, whether between the right
        their opponents, while rationalizing the   and the left or Jews and Muslims – can

        phenomenon when it comes from their   anti-Semitism effectively be countered.        Comprehensive Dermatology  •  Skin Cancer Detection
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        merely playing a political game. Only   Amendment,  the  U.S.  must  counter                      •  Medic al S pa  T r r ea tmen ts

        an approach that fights all forms of ha-  hate speech on the internet and social
        tred against Jews in equal measure can   media. The  internet  should  no  longer

        be effective.                          be a wild west where hate propaganda
            Europe  also  holds  other  lessons   is  poured  into  the  public  sphere  with
        for  the  United  States,  some  drawn   impunity. Several studies have demon-
        from the mistakes it made in confront-  strated the role of social media in the
        ing anti-Semitism. We in Europe have   increase of hate crimes. We must un-

        suffered from the lack of an effective   derstand that words can kill.

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                                                                                                                   8451 Shade A
                                                                                                                                              e 205
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        political  response  to  increasing  anti-  Finally, responses to anti-Semitism                            8451 Shade A   v enue , S uit e 205
        Semitism. Too many years have been    need to deal with some of its underly-   David S. Sax, MD            Sarasota, FL 34243
        wasted  during  which  politicians  first   ing causes. Moderate politicians on the

        denied, then hesitated, and finally paid   right and the left must work to repair   Board Certified Dermatologist
        lip  service  before  realizing  that  the   the social contract, to address the most   Carlee LaPensee, ARNP

        problem had grown to such magnitude   difficult contemporary issues that pop-    Jesse LeBaron, PA-C

        that it had become difficult to reverse   ulists  and  extremists  tend  to  exploit,

        the tide. Public authorities must instead   and  to  develop  new  forms  of  demo-            941. 417.4104
        unequivocally condemn anti-Semitism   cratic debate and governance.
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