Page 37 - Jewish News_April 2020
P. 37

COMMENTARY                                                                                 April 2020                                   37A

 Mr. Friendly  Netanyahu or fourth election?

        By Harold M. Halpern

              he Israeli election on Monday,   the Joint List, 15 ( Israel Arab parties);
              March 2 was the third effort in   and  Yisrael  Beiteinu,  7  (mostly  Rus-

        Ta  year  to  break  the  deadlock    sian  speaking  Israelis  led  by Avigdor
        between  the  Right  Coalition  and  the   Leberman).
        Center-Left  Coalition  to  form  a  gov-  By the middle of March, President
                           ernment.   Until   Reuvin  Rivlin  will  designate  a  party
                           the week before    leader, usually the leader with the most
                           the election, the   seats, to try to form a government with
                           polls were  pre-   61  or  more  votes.  The  leader  has  28
                           dicting  that  the   days to try and secure the votes. The
                           Blue White party   time can be extended for an additional
                           of the Center-     21 days. If not successful, the President
                           Left  led  by  Ben-  can appoint another leader to try. After
                           ny  Gantz  would   the September election, neither Netan-    At Allegiant, our clients are part of our family.
          Harold M. Halpern  receive  the  larg-  yahu or Gantz were able to secure 61.
        est number of seats in the Knesset but    By the time you read this column,     And we always put our family first.

        not enough to form a government.      all might be history. The atmosphere is   We are a different kind of financial advisor. We are independent, we

            Several  days  before  the  election,   different. There is a sense that a way   conduct our own research, and our team is committed to a long-term vision
        the polls indicated a swing to Likud of   will be found. The speculation is rife:   that is focused solely on our clients’ success. Whether navigating the sale
        the Right led by Prime Minister Benja-   Despite  denials,  several  members   of a business, making the most of retirement, or creating a plan for the next
        min Netanyahu but it was uncertain if     of  Center-Left,  some  of  whom      generation, we make all the moving parts work towards the best outcome.

        the Right would get 61 seats in Knesset   were formally members of Likud,       Find out what it means to be part of our family.
        (a required majority).                    will defect and join the Right rath-
            I watched Israel TV after the polls   er than face a fourth election        Allegiant Private Advisors
        closed.  There  were  a  couple  of  sur-   Leberman  and  Yisrael  Beiteinu   240 S. Pineapple Ave., Suite 200
        prises. The voters did not suffer voter    agree  to  join  the  Right  coalition   Sarasota, FL 34236

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        fatigue.  To the contrary, it  was the    despite  his  repeated  refusal  to
        highest turnout in over 20 years – the    serve in government with the reli-    Advisory Services offered through Commonwealth Financial Network, a Registered Investment Adviser

        first surprise. The second surprise was   gious parties, Shas and United To-
        that the Right was projected to receive   rah (not likely)
        59 seats, a significant increase particu-   Gantz or a portion of Blue-White

        larly  for  Likud  over  the  September   forms a Unity government with the
        numbers. At the same time, the indica-    Right, despite repeated refusals to                                           Want to
        tions were that the Center-Left would     sit with Netanyahu
        sustain a loss.                        The Israel Supreme Court rules
            The  TV  switched  to  the  parties’   that  no  Knesset  member  may  be                                           Receive
        headquarters. The Right was celebrat-     Prime Minister while under indict-
        ing  and  Center-Left  was  silent.  It   ment  or  Knesset  adopts  a  law  to
        clearly felt that there was a momentum    that effect; a new leader of Likud                                             Texts

        swing in recognition of public support    becomes acceptable to form a Uni-
        for Netanyahu despite the criminal in-    ty government
        dictments pending against him.         Leberman  supports  Gantz  with                                                 about Jewish
            Victory speeches were made on the     Joint List to form a minority gov-
        Right.  On  the  Center-Left,  the  blame   ernment united only by their oppo-                                          community news,
        game  began.  Gantz  was  a  poor  inar-  sition to Netanyahu
        ticulate  candidate  without  a  platform   If none of these happen or some                                             event updates
        other  than  that  Netanyahu  was  mor-  other  breakthrough  doesn’t  occur,  a

        ally unfit. He did little to differentiate   fourth election will be required. I will                                    and more?
        his  policies  from  Netanyahu.  He  was   be eager to learn what happens; it may
        called Likud light.                   be  when  you  read  this  issue  that  this
            It seemed all but assured that Ne-  is history or still in play. If resolved,                                           Text: JFED

        tanyahu  would  find  a  way  to  get  the   I will share with you my thoughts on
        needed two to three more commitments   the likely policies of the new govern-
        poached from other party winners. But   ment;  if  not,  election  discussion  will                                         To: 332-22
        by Wednesday, March 4, when 99% of    continue.
        the  votes  had  been  counted,  the  cer-  Harold Halpern is a retired attorney
        tainty was more measured. All suspect-  living in Lakewood Ranch. He is a
        ed defectors denied they would switch.  board member of the American Asso-
            If no change results from the re-  ciation of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists,
        maining  1%  of  uncounted  votes,  the   and of the  West Coast chapter of the
        Right has 58 seats; the Center-Left, 40;   American Jewish Committee.

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