Page 39 - Jewish News_April 2020
P. 39

FOCUS ON YOUTH                                                                             April 2020                                   39A

 75  anniversary of Auschwitz liberation   Passover is synonymous with love!
 observed in Poland and Jerusalem                 feeling  of  love  and  deep  connec-  day. Passover should mean hard work   different than you. Let’s focus on what

                        Education              3.  Lots  of  love  and  attention  are   in expressing love and kindness to oth-  connects  us  rather  than  what  divides
                                                                                    ers, as this is truly a holiday theme.
 area of their captivity. They wept, they   Corner  showered on the children for their   Today,  tomorrow  and  every  day   Indeed, when we have love within
 pointed to places where they stood in   By Sara Steinmetz  participation with the Ma Nishta-  leading up to the holiday of Passover,   and spread loving kindness to others,
 line to be counted by the Nazi guards.           na, and the central role of the Hag-  as you plan your menu, revise your   we  are  truly  experiencing  freedom  –
 They  walked  in  and  out  of  the  gas         gadah is that “We shall tell it to our   guest list and shop for holiday essen-  freedom from negativity.
 chambers,  remembering  relatives  and           children.”                        tials,  plan  on  doing  extra  (out  of  the   Wishing you a happy, kosher and
 friends whose lives were taken in the   assover is a busy, hustle-bustle   4.  It is the holiday in which we show   way)  gestures  of  kindness.  Make  it   “loving” Passover holiday!
 most  horrific  manner  possible.  They   holiday, and the concept of free-  love  to our fellow  Jews. In fact,   a personal goal to reach out to a Jew,   Sara Steinmetz is the education direc-

 stood in silence as they listened to Is- Pdom is central to it. However, I   one of the first texts in the Hagga-  family member or acquaintance who is   tor at Chabad of Sarasota.
 rael’s President Reuven Rivlin state the  would like to give a twist to the holi-  dah reads, “All who are hungry, let
 following:  “We  remember  that  Nazi  day’s  theme  and  suggest  that  love  is   them come and eat!”  Sarasota BBYO
 Germany  initiated,  planned  and  ex- indeed a primary theme relevant to this   The  concept  of  love  and  its  rel-
 ecuted the Jewish genocide in Poland  holiday that doesn’t seem so loving to   evance to the Passover holiday is truly   This program is sponsored by
 as well as elsewhere, and that it bears  both our tired hands from all the potato   overarching. Perhaps, as we all prepare   The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
 full responsibility for its actions. How- peeling and to our waistline from eight   to embrace the holiday, let us prepare   By Jessica Zimmerman, Associate Regional Dir., North Florida Region
 ever, it is also remembered that Nazi  days of eating matzah.  to strengthen the love, the positive in-
 Germany  was  greatly  assisted  in  its   How  are  Passover  and  love  syn-  teractions  and  the  harmony,  and  use   n February, Sarasota  BBYO par-  ship,  email  me  at  jesszimmerman@
 murderous  acts  by  countries  through- onymous?   them to replace negative emotions that   ticipated  in  BBYO’s  International
 out Europe, and this conduct demands  1.  It  is  on  this  holiday  upon  which   pull us down and pull us further apart.  IConvention  (IC).  Three  Sarasota   This month, Sarasota BBYO will
 responsibility.”  G-d displayed His intense love for   This is true within the family unit, our   teens  joined  3,000  Jewish  teens  from   join BBYO Tampa at the Ellenton Ice
 Two observances. Terrible remind-  us, starting us on our new spiritual   social arena and also within our com-  all over the world for a once-in-a-life-  and Sports Complex on Sunday, April
 ers. A  time  of  hate,  demonic  actions   journey.   munity.                                      time   experience    5. For more information, email me.

 and  the  death  of  six  million  of  our  2.  It is the holiday known to be cel-  We  may  differ  from  one  another   in  Dallas,  Texas.   Looking  for  community  service
 people. A  host  of  countries  and  their   ebrated with greater family partici-  in temperament, religious observance,   IC has become an   hours? Look no farther! BBYO is part-
 leaders deny this fact, but they will not   pation. Whenever possible, it is a   political  beliefs,  style  of  dress  and   unparalleled  gath-  nering with  Temple Sinai for its an-

 erase the reality of Auschwitz and ev-  holiday when multiple generations   more. However, Passover doesn’t just   ering  –  offering  a   nual  Mitzvah  Day  on  Sunday,  April
 ery  other  concentration  camp.  Death   sit  around  one  table,  creating  a   mean hard work preparing for the holi-  powerful, strategic   19. Contact me for information on how
 ruled during these years of the Second                                                              and inspiring plat-  to earn service hours while getting to
 World War. Life was expendable, espe-                                                               form  from  which    know Jewish teens  from  throughout
 cially Jewish lives. That was then. Not                                             Jessica Zimmerman  the best and bright-  the area.
 so today. Am Yisrael Chai, the people                                                               est  teen  and  adult   To be added to our email list and
 of Israel live. The Jewish voice is no                                             leaders from across the Jewish world   receive updates about BBYO program-
 longer silent. We speak out on behalf                                              (and beyond) unite to celebrate, dream   ming, email me at the address above.
 of freedom, liberty and support for all                                            and take action to continue strengthen-  I hope to hear from you and welcome
 those who are threatened by the reali-                                             ing the future.                       you to Sarasota BBYO.
 ties  of  our  ever-so-threatened  world.                                             Dani  Rudd, Anachnu  Ta-
 We care, we remember, we will not for-                                             mid  N’Siah  (President),  said,
 get and we will not stand idle against   Quickly Locate all of your favorite Jewish   “IC  2020  was  an  incredible
 the threat of anti-Semitism wherever it   organizations, clubs and service providers online.  and  enriching  experience.  I
 occurs. Such are the lessons taught by                                             loved  the  empowering  and
 the past. Such is the determination of                     motivational  speakers who
 the present. Such is the way of life for                                           made  me  feel  like  I  can  do
 the future.  Keyword Search       Filter Options    Drop Pin Locator Map        anything  I  set  my  mind  to.  I
 Rabbi Howard A. Simon is the found-                                                can’t wait for IC 2021.”
 ing chair of the Robert and Esther                                                    In   February,  Sarasota
 Heller Community Relations Commit-                                                 BBYO  hosted  a  parent  and
 tee, formerly known as the Heller IAI.                                             teen information session. If
          TEEN TRAVEL                                                               BBYO in Sarasota, leadership    Dani Rudd, Anachnu Tamid BBG N’Siah (President);
          SPRING 2020
                                                                                    you  missed  the  event  and
                                                                                    would like to learn more about
                                                                                                                       Caterina Cappelli, NFR’s Regional Morah;
                                                                                    opportunities  for teens, sum-
                                                                                    mer passport trips or member-
                                                                                                                     and Joshua Cappelli at International Convention


                                                                                          E  ducat             ion
               The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee and its
               generous donors are committed to providing teen                         Scholarship
               travel scholarships for the following educational,
               experiential, and exploratory programs:                                      Program
                                                                                                                Y NOW!
                                                                                        APPLY N
               • Alexander Muss High School in Israel
                Participate in a 6-, 8-, or 18-week program. Enjoy                      APPLY NOW!
                college living in a high school environment in Israel.                  APPL                    Y N
                APPLICATION WINDOW OPEN MARCH 1–APRIL 13, 2020.
               • Domestic Teen Travel
                Take part in an accredited academic, experiential, or
                volunteer-based domestic teen travel program and                       APPLICATION WINDOW JANUARY 1 - APRIL 6
                receive a scholarship from The Jewish Federation.                        The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee will award more than $90,000
                APPLICATION WINDOW OPEN MARCH 1–APRIL 13, 2020.                         in education scholarships to eligible students for the 2020-2021 school year.
               • SKIP (Send A Kid to Israel Program)
                Take part in an accredited academic, experiential, or volunteer-          UP $5,000               $4,000             AWARDS VARY
                based program to Israel and receive a scholarship from The
                Jewish Federation.                                                          Jacqueline Siegel-  Ned and Janet Sinder      The Jewish
                APPLICATION WINDOW OPEN MARCH 1–APRIL 13, 2020.                            Frascella Scholarship    Scholarship         Scholarship Fund
                                                                                            $2,000                $1,000             Ronald and Geri Yonover
                                                                                           Michelson Interfaith   Betty Schoenbaum Fund   Scholarship

                                                                                              $500               Renewable          Get more information
                                       BOB MALKIN YOUNG AMBASSADORS
                                        TEEN LEADERSHIP PROGRAM                                                  for  4 Years         and download the
                                                                                        B’nai B’rith Gulf Coast Lodge   Melissa Wides Foundation   brochure at the
                                                                                              Scholarship       Education Scholarship  website below.
                                                                                                                                              

                                                                                           APPLY ONLINE AT
                          For more information and to apply, go to
                                                       For more information contact

                                                                                        Lisa Feinman at
               or contact Andrea Eiffert at 941.552.6308 or        or 941.706.0034                         The Larry & Mary Greenspon Family Campus for Jewish Life
                                                                                                                                         580 McIntosh Rd., Sarasota, FL 34232

                  JFED PROUD & STRONG: Join us in our campus re-imagination –
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