Page 40 - Jewish News_April 2020
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40A                             April 2020                                                                  FOCUS ON YOUTH

        Temple Emanu-El presents a family second-night Seder

              emple  Emanu-El  Religious      of  the  Passover  story,  crafts,  sharing,   over foods as well as matzah ball soup,   Passover,  “Family  Seder:  A  Journey

              School,  Tot  Shabbat  and  high   discussion and, of course, a delicious   brisket, chicken fingers, potato kugel,   Out of Egypt” is open to the entire
        Tschool youth group STEEMY            Seder meal with all the symbolic Pass-  veggies  and  dessert.  In  the  spirit  of   community.
        are  proud  and  excited  to  announce                                                                               “Both  Temple Emanu-El  rabbis
        “Family  Seder:  A  Journey  Out  of                                                                              are excited to be a part of this inaugu-
        Egypt”  –  a  family-friendly,  interac-                                                                          ral  event  bringing  tradition  to  today,
        tive,  second-night  Seder  experience.                                                                           bringing history to here, and bringing
        This  new,  innovative  and  wonderful                                                                            excitement to the Exodus,” Rabbi She-
        program will be held Thursday, April                                                                              frin  stated.  “Passover  Seders  are  my
        9 from 5:30 to 7:45 p.m., and will be                                                                             absolute favorite moment of the Jew-

        officiated by Temple Emanu-El Senior                                                                                ish  year,  and  I  haven’t  been  this  ex-

        Rabbi Brenner Glickman and Associ-                                                                                cited before. Let’s experience freedom
        ate Rabbi Michael Shefrin.                                                                                        together!”
            This  Family  Seder  is  welcoming,                                                                              Reservations  made  by  Thursday,
        meaningful for all ages, and an oppor-                                                                            April 2 for “Family Seder: A Journey
        tunity to share this sacred season with                                                                           out of Egypt” are $30 per adult and $15
        other young Jewish and interfaith fam-                                                                            per child ages 5-13. Children four and
        ilies.  The  dedicated  organizers  have                                                                          under  are  free.  The  dress  is  Country
        planned an affordable evening steeped                                                                              Club Attire.

        in both traditional and modern Jewish      Temple Emanu-El Associate Rabbi Michael Shefrin and Senior Rabbi Brenner Glickman   For reservations or more informa-
        ritual – with an interactive  retelling                  will lead “Family Seder: A Journey Out of Egypt”         tion, email

        Aiden Nisberg follows in the family tradition

        at the Jewish Congregation of Venice                                                                                                                Community Day School students listen intently to Holocaust survivor Howard Chandler’s presentation

                iden  Nisberg  celebrated  his   followed  by  his  sister  Esther’s  baby   his  heart...his  gentle  kindness.  He  is   they spend 25 minutes in our Sunday
                Bar Mitzvah on Friday, Febru-  naming a year later.                 calm,  centered  and  immensely  caring   School  program  teaching  Hebrew  to
        Aary  21  at  a  service  offi  ciated      And there’s yet another tie to the   with his family.  This past summer I   the rest of the kids. Aiden really guides
        by Rabbi Ben Shull and Cantor Marci   Vitkus  family.  Cantor  Marci’s  hus-  worked with Aiden and his sister Es-  the lesson. He is a natural leader.”

        Vitkus at the Jewish Congregation of   band Andy was Aiden’s teacher in the   ther, who will become Bat Mitzvah a    Aiden’s Bar Mitzvah was the first
        Venice (JCV).                         5  grade. Aiden and his sister attend a   year from now. They both did so well   one performed jointly by Rabbi Shull
            The Nisbergs have a long history   school for gifted learners.          that  I gave  them  the  ultimate  teach-  and Cantor Vitkus since he became the
        with Cantor Marci, starting when she      In Cantor Marci’s words, “It is in-  ing challenge. So now, once a month,   JCV spiritual leader in July 2019.

        officiated at Aiden’s parents’ wedding   credibly  profound  and  strikingly  age
        in October 2005. Two years later, Alan   defying to be here 13 years later offici-

        and Megan Nisberg asked Cantor Mar-   ating at Aiden’s Bar Mitzvah. Aiden’s

        ci to officiate at Aiden’s baby naming,   most redeeming quality has to do with

           Join us in our campus re-imagination...
                                                                                                                                                                Community Day School teacher Snait Ben-Herut chats with special guest Howard Chandler

                          Join us as we reimagine our 32 acre campus.
                               We are JFED Proud & Strong!
                                                                                         Aiden Nisberg with Cantor Marci Vitkus (photo courtesy of Jenny Waring Photography)
                 KLINGENSTEIN JEWISH CENT ER  |  5 80 MCINTOSH RD, SARASOTA FL 34232  | 941-371-4546  |

                                 Contact us to learn more.
                Howard Tevlowitz  Kim Mullins  Ilene Fox   Rich Bergman
                                                            Major Gifts
                 941.343.2110  941.552.6300   941.343.2111  941.552.6306

                                                                                       F A M I L Y E V E N T                                                      PJ Library  has partnered with The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-
                                                                                                                                                                  Manatee to provide families raising Jewish children with the gift
                                                                                                                                                                  of free, high-quality children’s books, music, and resources that

                                                                                                            Temple Sinai Presents                                 foster deeper engagement with Jewish life in our community.
                                                                                                          PASSOVER                                                to start enhancing your family’s Jewish journey.
                                                                                                                                                                          Join one of our PJ programs below

                                                                                                    Families with young children are invited to                        Children Ages 6 mo. thru 8 years
                                                                                                        experience Passover the PJ way!
                                                                                            Enjoy craft station, make and taste a traditional Passover
                                                                                          Seder treat, sing songs and walk through the parted Red Sea!

                                                                                             WHEN                   WHERE                   COST
                                                                                             Sunday,              Temple Sinai            This Event
                                                                                              April 5     4631 S. Lockwood Ridge Rd.       is FREE                  Sign-up at
                                                                                              10 am                 Sarasota

                                                                                                    Register at                                           Children Ages 8 thru 12 years

                                                                                          For more information please contact Bethany Leinweber

                                                                                         SPONSORED BY
                                                                                                                                                                         Sign-up at

                                                                                                                                                                 For more information, contact
                                                                                                                                                                 Andrea Eiffert
                                                                                                                                                                 941.552.6308    PJ Library Sarasota-Manatee is generously
                                                                                                                                                                                  funded in part by Edie and David Chaifetz.

         Due to COVID-19, please check with each organization for event cancellations/postponements.                                                                  Check out our programs for all ages at
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