Page 35 - Jewish News_April 2020
P. 35

COMMENTARY                                                                                 April 2020                                   35A

        The “why” is essential                                                      Walk forward in faith

                                              exclaimed with wonder and awe: WHY                                          “Why do you cry out to me? Tell the Is-
                                              was there chocolate on our plate? What                                      raelites to go forward.” Exodus 14:15
                                                                                                                             This  simple  command  seems  al-
                              From            did  it  have  to  do  with  Passover?  My                                  most impossible to follow. Go forward?
                                              mother explained that asking questions
                              the             was a fundamental need for the Seder,                      From             Into the sea? But go forward they did.
                                              and now that child had met it.
                                                                                                                          And the miracles began. A dense cloud
                              Bimah           children, was fundamental to the jour-                     the              prevented the Egyptian army from see-
                                                  Asking  questions,  we  learned  as
                                                                                                                          ing  the  Israelites.  God  told  Moses  to
                                              ney  from  slavery  to  freedom  and  to                   Bimah            lift his arm over the sea, and the sea
                                              Jewish life in general.  Years later, I                                     split to allow the Israelites to pass in
                                              learned this notion was not my moth-                                        between two walls of water.
        Rabbi Samantha Kahn                   er’s but rather came from the Talmud’s                                         When the Egyptian army pursued
        Temple Sinai                          teaching that if a child asks an authen-  Rabbi Anne Feibelman              them, the sea closed up again, drown-
            n  Survival  at  Auschwitz,  Primo   tic  question,  they  exempt  the  whole   Campus Rabbi and Chaplain at  ing the Egyptian soldiers and chariots.
                                                                                    Aviva – A Campus for Senior Life
            Levi recalls a moment when driven   Seder  from  reciting  Ma Nishtana                                           After  the  Israelites  cross  through
        Iby thirst, he opened a window and    (Pesachim 115b). Still, those chocolate     his  month,  the  month  of  Nis-  the sea, they sing out in praise of God
        broke off an icicle, only to be stopped   lollipops taught this lesson in a way no   san in the Hebrew calendar, we   for saving them in The Song of the Sea.

        by  a  guard  who  “brutally  snatched  it   text study ever could.         Tcelebrate  Pesach,  the  Exodus         Who is like you, O Lord, among the
        away” from him. “Warum?” he asked         As a rabbi and a mother, as I plan   of  the  Hebrew  slaves  from  Egypt  af-  celestials
        in German. “Hier ist kein  warum!”    the  Passover  Seders  I  will  lead  this   ter 400 years of slavery. According to   Who is like you, majestic in holi-
        (Here  is  no  place  to  ask  “why”)  the   year, I am left going through hundreds   the story in the Torah, Moses is lead-  ness,
        guard  replied,  while  pushing  him  in-  of haggadot and commentary, trying to   ing the Israelites to the edge of the Sea   Awesome in splendor, working
        side with a shove.                    distill the essence of what it is we are   of Reeds and the people are frightened.   wonders?
            “Why”  is  the  foundation  of  free-  supposed to learn. Suddenly, my mind   The Egyptian army is gaining on them   Who among us has not been in a
        dom.  Jews,  and  Judaism,  love  to  ask   wanders  back  to  the  chocolate  lolli-  from behind, and the waters of the sea   situation in life when you could not see
        “why.” We Jews are grounded by our    pops and I realize I’ve always known   are looming in front of them.  They   your way out of a dilemma? When all
        ability to challenge and question every-  the answer.                       think that Moses has led them out of   the options seemed fraught with peril,
        thing. We are taught to see nothing as    Though asking questions is not the   bondage but they will die in the wilder-  and  you  were  afraid.  And  somehow,
        obvious as we utilize questions to both   only important part of the Seder, it is   ness.                         once you took action, moved forward
        establish and destabilize religious and   the  essential  part  that  bridges  togeth-  Picture in your mind a band of ex-  and put one foot in front of the next,
        social  norms.  Rabbi  Steve  Greenberg   er the recounting of our exodus from   slaves, having left Egypt hastily with-  you  came  through  to  the  other  side.
        notes, “We train children at the Pass-  Egypt and the importance of educating   out even time to let their dough rise into   Only when you look back, can you see
        over Seder to ask why because tyrants   toward  paths  to  freedom.  The  “why”   bread. They know what their fate will   the  miracles  that  happened  along  the
        are undone and liberty is won with a   is  essential. As  we  take  the  narrative   be if they are captured by the Egyptian   journey.
        good question (Wrestling with God and   upon ourselves, sharing lessons of   army, the most powerful in the world    Even  at  times  of  struggle,  amaz-
        Men).”                                memory, not simply history, we’re re-  at that time. Almost surely, there will   ing things can happen. As Einstein put
            Yes, we train children to ask why,   minded that in many ways we all still   be slaughter. On the other hand, their   it, “There are two ways to live – as if
        but  do  we  remember  to  keep  ask-  live  in  Mitzrayim.  This,  the  Hebrew   leader has brought them to the edge of   nothing is a miracle or everything is a
        ing ourselves? How can we enter this   word  for  Egypt,  can  also  be  under-  a sea which they have no way to swim   miracle.” This month, when we recall
        Passover season with the questions, the   stood as a reminder that we may find   or sail across. What to do?      the story of Exodus, let us be fearless

        awe, the wonder of a child? How can   ourselves in narrow places from which    “Then the  Lord said to  Moses,    and walk forward in faith.
        we remind ourselves that freedom re-  we strive to leave. And the only way to
        quires questions?                     change our understanding or our path      Opinions printed in The Jewish News of Sarasota-
            I was very young, but I’ll never   is to pause and question our assump-        Manatee do not necessarily re ect those of

        forget the time there was a chocolate   tions. The only way to leave from the
        lollipop on every plate. Yes, it was a   narrow places that constrict within and   The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee,

        kosher  for  Passover,  parve,  chocolate   around us is by reclaiming our freedom          its Board of Directors or sta .
        lollipop  and  it  was  waiting  for  each   by  questioning  our  reality.  Whoever
        person to arrive to their seat at my   we are, wherever we are, we ask “why”
        mother’s  Seder  table.  As  the  guests   and unchain the shackles that bind us
        started  finding  their  spots,  one  child   as we stand and seek our freedom.

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