Page 12 - Jewish News_February 2020
P. 12

12A                          February 2020                                                                FEDERATION NEWS

                                                                                PJ Library Hanukkits

                                                                                light up classrooms!

                                                                                Staff Report
                                                                                      econd-graders at Fruitville Ele-  what each one represents.
                                                                                      mentary were delighted to learn     Students in Chipurnoi’s classroom
                                                                                Sabout the holiday of Hanukkah        shared that they were not familiar with
                                                                                in  their  classroom,  using  PJ  Library   Hanukkah before they learned about it
                                                                                Hanukkits.                            in school, and all agreed that it was fun
                                                                                    Here’s the story behind the Hanuk-  to learn about other holiday traditions!
                                                                                                                          Every  month,  PJ  Library  sends
                            2019-2020                                           kits. Mary Collier, a PJ Library parent   more than 650,000 free Jewish books
                                                                                and Jewish Federation volunteer, rec-
                          TOR              C    H                               children in public schools to the holi-  dren ages 6 months through 8 years
                                                                                ognized  a need early  on to introduce
                                                                                                                      to families around the world with chil-
                                                                                day of Hanukkah. With three children
                                                                                                                      old. PJ Library shares stories that cel-
                                                                                                                      ebrate Jewish values, culture and tradi-
                                                                                of her own, she had been invited into
                 SP         O     NS          O      R     S    *               their  classrooms to share Hanukkah   tion, all at no cost to families.
                                                                                traditions each year, and wanted to
                                                                                                                          For more information  about PJ
                                                                                                                      Library,  or  PJ  Our Way  (for  children
                                                                                make  it  easy  for other  parents  to  do
                                                                                the same. So Mary approached Andrea
                                                                                                                      941.552.5308 or
                                                                                Eiffert,  local  PJ  Library  Coordinator,   ages  9-12),  contact  Andrea  Eiffert  at
                                                                                about her idea, and the Hanukkit initia-
                                                                                tive was born.
                          Edie and David Chaifetz                                   A Hanukkit contains materials that
                      Leon R. and Margaret M. Ellin                             make sharing Hanukkah traditions easy
                                                                                for parents, including a PJ Library Ha-
                          Debbie and Larry Haspel                               nukkah book, dreidels, gelt and game
                    Rosenthal Roots Family Foundation                           instructions. The Hanukkits have been
                                                                                very popular for the past two years,
                         Sylvia and Norman Samet                                selling out of supplies both years.
                          Bunny and Mort Skirboll                                   Enter  Fruitville  Elementary.  An-
                                                                                                                           Second-grade students at Fruitville
                       Hadassah and Martin Strobel                              other local PJ Library parent, Michala   Elementary School enjoy playing dreidel
                                                                                Chipurnoi,  a  second-grade
                                 Lois Stulberg                                  teacher  at Fruitville  El-
                                                                                ementary  School,  took  the
                                                                                Hanukkit  to  a new level,
                                                                                purchasing a kit for each
                        We offer our very deep appreciation                     of the  eight  second-grade
                       to our 2019-20 Season Torch Sponsors!                    classrooms at the school,
                 They support our Federation’s efforts to bring quality         and incorporating it into
                events and programs to our local community and help             her lessons about  holiday
                   fund crucial services for people in need here in             traditions around the world.
                  Sarasota-Manatee, in Israel and around the world.             None of her 17 students cel-
                                                                                ebrate Hanukkah at home,
                                                                                but they all enjoyed playing
                                                                                the dreidel game in school,
                                                                                even learning the Hebrew        PJ Library parent and teacher Michala Chipurnoi
                                                             *As of 11/11/19    letters  on the dreidel  and   with her Fruitville Elementary School second-grade class

                                                                          Re-Live the Fun!

                                                                         TRADITION: A Movie and Chinese

        On December 25th, 200 people merrily packed the Beatrice Friedman Theater to participate in the first...
                                                                                                                       You Will Attend Next Year’s Event
                                                                                                                       You Will Attend Next Year’s Event
                                                                                                                         TRADITION: A Movie and Chinese
                                                                                                                         TRADITION: A Movie and Chinese
                                         ...TRADITION: A Movie and Chinese event hosted by The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee.

                   Co- Co-Chairs:Chairs:
           Andrea Silvergleit and Lisa Bergereit and Lisa Berger
           Andrea Silvergl
                                                                                    Chris Cole,   Irene Herman, Irene Herman,
                                                                                    Chris Cole,
                                                                                     and Cara
                                                                                        Cara HermanHerman
                                                                                                                               Chinese Buffetse Buffet
                                                Celia and
                                                Celia and Craig MarionCraig Marion

               Debby and
               Debby and Jerry HamburgJerry Hamburg                                   Parade of “shte etl chic” costumes s
                                                                                                   ” co
                                                                                                l c
                                                                                      Parade of “sht
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