Page 13 - Jewish News_February 2020
P. 13

COMMUNITY FOCUS                                                                        February 2020                                     13A

     The history of Jews in Germany

     By Marden Paru, Dean, Sarasota Liberal Yeshiva | This program is sponsored by The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
              hen we think of Jews in         Judaism that began in Germany in   century CE to the present. The course   His book, Jewish Germany, An Endur-
              Germany, it’s the Holocaust     the  1800s and developed  here by   fee is $40.                         ing Presence from the  Fourth to the
 what each one represents.  Wthat  immediately comes to   immigrant rabbis to America.  To enroll  or for more  informa-  Twenty-First  Century,  was published
 Students in Chipurnoi’s classroom  mind. And that is the way it should be.   ‹   The three individuals whose ideas   tion,  contact  me  at  941.379.5655  or   in January 2018 by Vallentine Mitch-
 shared that they were not familiar with  The Holocaust was a uniquely tragic   have most impacted world events Classes will   ell.  Dr.  Levinson  was  a  research  an-
 Hanukkah before they learned about it  period in human history. But the story   for 100+ years were all German   take place from 9:15 to 10:30 a.m. on   thropologist and director of a research
 in school, and all agreed that it was fun  of Jewish Germany goes back nearly   Jews – Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud   The Larry & Mary Greenspon Family   institute at Yale University for over 20
 to learn about other holiday traditions!  2,000 years, and the Jewish experience   and Albert Einstein.  Campus for Jewish Life, 580 McIntosh   years and has been involved in several
 Every  month,  PJ  Library  sends  in Germany continues to influence life   ‹   Under German  law, victims  of   Road, Sarasota.  The Jewish Federa-  public  anthropology  projects,  includ-
 more than 650,000 free Jewish books  around the world. Here are just a few   Nazi persecution and their children   tion of Sarasota Manatee partially   ing the  establishment  of the  African
 to families around the world with chil-reasons the Jewish German experience   can reclaim or become German cit-  subsidizes the Yeshiva through a grant.   American Heritage Trail in New Eng-
 dren ages 6 months through 8 years  is worth learning about:  izens. In the last few years, some   About Dr. David Levinson  land. He served as general editor of the
 old. PJ Library shares stories that cel-  ‹ Germany has more monuments to   100,000 Jewish people,  mainly   Dr.  David  Levinson  is  a  cultural  an-  10-volume  Religion  & Society series
 ebrate Jewish values, culture and tradi-  Jewish history than any other na-  from Israel, Britain and the United   thropologist and son of a German Ho-  and co-editor  of the four-volume  En-
 tion, all at no cost to families.   tion except Israel.  States, have done so.  locaust survivor. His ongoing research   cyclopedia  of Community. Among
 For more information  about PJ    German  Jews moving  east  estab-  Starting  Tuesday, February 11,   on his own and other Jewish families   his other books are  One Minute a
 Library,  or  PJ  Our Way  (for  children   lished what came to be called the   the  Sarasota  Liberal Yeshiva  will  of-  and European  Jewish life  continues   Free Woman: Elizabeth Freeman and
 ages  9-12),  contact  Andrea  Eiffert  at   Ashkenazi communities of Eastern   fer a four-week course on the history   his career-long  interest  in  telling  the   the Struggle for Freedom and This Is
 941.552.5308 or   Europe. And they brought the Yid-  of Jewish Germany, during which, cul-  stories of forgotten  and persecuted   America: A Short History of the United
        dish language with them.          tural  anthropologist  David  Levinson   peoples – the homeless, victims  of   States.
     ‹   Reform  Judaism in the  United   draws  out the expanse of the Jewish   family violence, refugees, immigrants
        States came about from the Reform   experience in Germany from the fourth   and African  American  communities.
     “How Israeli Ingenuity Repairs the World”

     This program is sponsored by The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
           emple Emanu-El,  The Jewish    the motivations, ingenuity and persis-  caust survivors and their families, im-  Tickets for the event are available
           Federation  of Sarasota-Man-   tence of Israelis of all faiths compelled   migrants and people  of many faiths,   for  $18  in  advance  at  www.sarasota
     Tatee and Dalet are delighted        by the spirit of tikkun olam – the tra-  has become a ‘light unto the nations,’”, and will also be available
     to welcome bestselling author and re-  ditional  Jewish mandate  to repair  the   noted Temple Emanu-El Adult Educa-  for $25 at the door. For more informa-
     nowned speaker Avi Jorisch to Sara-  world. This inspiring, must-read book   tion Co-Chair and Dalet representative   tion, please call 941.371.2788.
     sota next month. Jorisch will present at   has been translated into 30 languages.   Dr. Janet Hiller.
     Temple  Emanu-El  on Sunday, March   Jorisch is well published in other areas
     29 at 2:00 p.m. This special event is   as well, with articles having appeared   Tidewell Hospice
     part of the 75-year commemoration of   in The New York Times, The Wall Street
     the liberation of Europe and the end of   Journal, Foreign Affairs, The Jerusa-  is committed to meeting the spiritual  and physical
     World War II.                        lem Post, The Times of Israel, Forbes     needs of our patients and families.
        A Middle East expert and thought   and on                                    As a certified Jewish Hospice, Tidewell offers:
     leader  in exploring  global  innovation   “It is indeed fitting that Avi Jorisch                 •  Mezuzah and Shabbat candles
     trends, the Arab world, counterterror-  will be part of Sarasota-Manatee’s
     ism and illicit finance, Jorisch is per-  2020 commemoration  of the end of                       •  Spiritual consultation with Rabbi on request
     haps best known for his most recent   World  War  II  and  the  75  years  since                  •  Bible and prayer book
     bestselling  book,  Thou Shalt Inno-  the  liberation  of  the  Jews in  Europe,
     vate:  How  Israeli  Ingenuity  Repairs   since his writings show us how the  •  941-552-7500  •  855-Tidewell
 PJ Library parent and teacher Michala Chipurnoi    the World. In this book, he describes   fledgling State of Israel, home to Holo-
 with her Fruitville Elementary School second-grade class

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